It’s in reference to international sales, I believe.
It’s in reference to international sales, I believe.
Not the treats!!
“Recruiter Of The Year”
Who is next to kiss the ring?
Like we can trust the word of the foot soldiers of capitalism.
As measured, obtainable, and realistic as your goal is, I fear it will be ineffective. Protesting is practical, safe, and easily ignored. One CEO gets popped, and suddenly there’s murmurs, unified, across the political spectrum. The elites need to know the sheer terror of writhing masses, wielding blunt and rusty tools, awash with unabated malice.
They’re setting him up to be too scared to face trial, so he killed himself. They talked about how much he was shaking since he got approached by police, he’s pissing himself apparently. Dude is gunna get killed so he can’t talk on the stand. The last thing the oligarchs want is for this guy to have more of a platform.
There’s probably enough of an overlap.
No, you’re right. It’s fine that these executives go into meetings and enact plans that harm and kill sick people, while they profit. They should be allowed to do that without consequence. The fact that this one man killed only one person, and without personal profit, is abhorrent.
I would say “failing to empathize” is not correct. Failing implies trying. Calling him a victim seems disengenuous as well. Even if the shooter is a contract killer, there’s no way he has a higher KDR than the parasite he capped.
Pretty sure they can occur naturally, they happen in Florida a lot. I was reading an article about a guy who had a sinkhole open up under his house over night, he woke up dead the next day.
Possibly there’s autonomous actions required when martial law is declared that take some time to undo? Like taking a tent out of the box, it takes way longer to get it back in, if it ever does.
I’m only guessing, I honestly have no idea what it entails.
RF is still RF, the only difference between what they’re shooting into the water to detect subs and what you’re shooting into your hot pockets is output power and frequency. It’s still radio detection and ranging, just at a frequency not typically used for it. Microwave frequencies are used for what one would consider to be typical radar applications, while extremely low frequency would be better suited for communications.
I’m fine, thanks for the concern. My previous comment was inspired by the song Shop Vac by Jonathan Coulton, I’ve never been married. I figure I’d have to sell off my sex dolls first, but they were stupid expensive, and you’d surprised how quickly they lose value when you take them out of the box. I figure they’re a bird in hand in either case.
A grueling daily standoff, mired with silent and tense interactions in the hallway, like ships passing in the night? A lonely, cold existence punctuated by depression medication dampened flaccid shower masturbation? A dreary, lifeless union blessed by a loud shop vac in the basement, so the kids can’t hear you crying? You can’t recall the last time you wore a seatbelt or drove sober, because she’s always smiling at her damn phone, and always leaves the room to answer a call. You paid for the fucking thing, and her passcode isn’t even the same as it used to be. Nothing is anymore. Maybe today’s the day someone won’t stop at a red light, or maybe you’ll finally try to grab a cop’s gun. But you won’t. The drudgery shambles on.
I try to look on the bright side, we get to watch an empire collapse in real time through memes and stupid little videos on tik tok.
Not sure the specifics, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there were countries interested in a next generation fighter jet, and is capable of buying from either the US or China.