- Voyager for Lemmy
- Moshidon for Mastodon I might also give friendica a try with BookFace
This account is no longer in use, as I switched to @lena@gregtech.eu
That’s fair, but I was talking about online payments for digital goods, such as VPSes, vpns, donations, etc.
Also, let’s say irl stores adopted cryptocurrency as a payment method. Your bank wouldn’t know what you’re buying and therefore wouldn’t be able to sell that information.
Private online (or maybe even offline) payments with Monero. And even if it’s not monero, you don’t have to deal with the BS of banks, such as the transactions taking days to complete. And nothing is tied to your real identity, making you entirely anonymous.
Or SearXNG. I run an instance, you can check it out: search.gregtech.eu
uptime -p
for a human-readable format. Here’s mine on my Hetzner VPS:
root@snapshot-199288474-ubuntu-16gb-hel1-1:~# uptime -p
up 8 weeks, 6 days, 8 minutes
I’m just curious here, what if a large instance (like lemmy.world for example) says that anyone federating with instance X gets defederated? They would miss out on a lot of interactions.
If you’d like you can contact me on my Threema ID at 6CH24JJE so we can troubleshoot this in my group on Threema.
Your experience with threema is… weird? For me both of those things work perfectly. Much better than Element, for example.
What’s issue do you see with it? It’s cryptographically secure and has been audited. The fact that it’s centralized doesn’t really matter.
Threema is also really good, and they’re very close to the full release of the desktop app.
There we go, I have the favicons set up. Sorry for the intermittent downtime, I was doing some configuration.
You gotta mount the image to the place where searxng accesses it, like this in docker compose:
- ./searxng:/etc/searxng:rw
- type: bind
source: ./images/searxng.png
target: /usr/local/searxng/searx/static/themes/simple/img/searxng.png
I can set up a favicon resolver on my instance. I’ll do it today.
I mean, none of that content is on my server, and the search engines searxng indexes probably so their best to remove illegal stuff.
I really hope I don’t get in trouble for anything, but I doubt I will. I have a grand Total of like 5 users.
I guess I could technically do that, but I really don’t give a f what people search for on my searxng instance. Plus, Google and the likes have an incentive to use your searches for advertising and building a profile on you.
Double penetration? /s
I host my own SearXNG instance, which miiiight be a bit of a bad idea because the anonymity of the crowd disappears but hosting your own services is way too cool to ignore. It’s at search.gregtech.eu in case anyone wants to use it.
Here is my setup (make sure to read the comments). If you have any additional questions please ask, I love helping people with sysadmin stuff. So, I use Traefik as a reverse proxy, here’s its docker compose: services:
image: traefik:latest
- 80:80
- 443:443
- 8080:8080 # for Matrix
- CF_DNS_API_TOKEN=redacted # for my Cloudflare setup, you probably wouldn't need Cloudflare
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- ./traefik.yml:/etc/traefik/traefik.yml
- ./acme.json:/acme.json
- ./routes/:/routes
name: traefik_access # I have this so that I can simply put a networks block at the bottom of other docker compose files and traefik can then access it and proxy the traffic, if I put a labels block in the services I want to proxy, I'll also provide that.
Next, we have my configuration file for Traefik, traefik.yml
le-ssl: #for ssl certs
email: gregor@gregtech.eu
storage: /acme.json
provider: cloudflare #for cloudflare, you might want to change this somehow if you aren't going to use cloudflare, you can ask me if you need any help with this
- ""
- ""
exposedByDefault: false
network: traefik_access
level: DEBUG
accessLog: {}
dashboard: false
insecure: false
address: ":80"
address: ":443"
Not much to say about that one, following up we have my lemmy docker compose file, which I dare say is highly chaotic (I will still write the code comments tho):
x-logging: &default-logging
driver: "json-file"
max-size: "50m"
max-file: "4"
image: docker.io/library/nginx
- ./nginx_internal.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro,Z
- ./proxy_params:/etc/nginx/proxy_params:ro,Z
restart: always
logging: *default-logging
- pictrs
- lemmy-ui
labels: #the ugly part: proxying. Here traefik proxies the traffic to nginx, of which the config I will provide.
- traefik.enable=true
- traefik.http.routers.http-lemmy.entryPoints=http
- traefik.http.routers.http-lemmy.rule=Host(`gregtech.eu`)
- traefik.http.middlewares.https_redirect.redirectscheme.scheme=https
- traefik.http.middlewares.https_redirect.redirectscheme.permanent=true
- traefik.http.routers.http-lemmy.middlewares=https_redirect
- traefik.http.routers.https-lemmy.entryPoints=https
- traefik.http.routers.https-lemmy.rule=Host(`gregtech.eu`)
- traefik.http.routers.https-lemmy.service=lemmy
- traefik.http.routers.https-lemmy.tls=true
- traefik.http.services.lemmy.loadbalancer.server.port=8536
- traefik.http.routers.https-lemmy.tls.certResolver=le-ssl
image: dessalines/lemmy:0.19.8
hostname: lemmy
restart: always
logging: *default-logging
- ./lemmy.hjson:/config/config.hjson:Z
- postgres
- pictrs
- default
- database
image: ghcr.io/xyphyn/photon:latest # The lemmy UI accessible at gregtech.eu is actually not the official one, it's Photon
restart: always
logging: *default-logging
image: docker.io/asonix/pictrs:0.5
# this needs to match the pictrs url in lemmy.hjson
hostname: pictrs
# we can set options to pictrs like this, here we set max. image size and forced format for conversion
# entrypoint: /sbin/tini -- /usr/local/bin/pict-rs -p /mnt -m 4 --image-format webp
#entrypoint: /sbin/tini -- /usr/local/bin/pict-rs run --max-file-count 10 --media-max-file-size 500 --media-retention-proxy 10d --media-retention-variants 10d filesystem sled -p /mnt
user: 991:991
- PICTRS__STORE__TYPE=object_storage #well, now comes the storage. I use backblaze , though you can also simply store them on-disk, or on another S3 storage provider.
- PICTRS__STORE__ENDPOINT=https://s3.eu-central-003.backblazeb2.com/
- PICTRS__STORE__BUCKET_NAME=gregtech-lemmy
- PICTRS__STORE__REGION=eu-central
- PICTRS__SERVER__API_KEY=redacted #needed if you want to delete images
- ./volumes/pictrs:/mnt:Z
restart: always
logging: *default-logging
image: docker.io/postgres:16-alpine
hostname: postgres
- ./volumes/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data:Z
restart: always
shm_size: 256M
logging: *default-logging
- POSTGRES_DB=lemmy #this is just the db password
- database
image: docker.io/mwader/postfix-relay
restart: "always"
logging: *default-logging
name: traefik_access #allows traefik to access these services for proxying
external: true
And here’s the nginx config, (nginx_internal.conf
) I kinda forgot how it works lmao I wrote it like half a year ago:
worker_processes auto;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
# Docker internal DNS IP so we always get the newer containers without having to
# restart/reload the docker container / nginx configuration
resolver valid=5s;
# set the real_ip when from docker internal ranges. Ensuring our internal nginx
# container can always see the correct ips in the logs
# We construct a string consistent of the "request method" and "http accept header"
# and then apply soem ~simply regexp matches to that combination to decide on the
# HTTP upstream we should proxy the request to.
# Example strings:
# "GET:application/activity+json"
# "GET:text/html"
# "POST:application/activity+json"
# You can see some basic match tests in this regex101 matching this configuration
# https://regex101.com/r/vwMJNc/1
# Learn more about nginx maps here http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_map_module.html
map "$request_method:$http_accept" $proxpass {
# If no explicit matches exists below, send traffic to lemmy-ui
default "http://lemmy-ui:3000/";
# GET/HEAD requests that accepts ActivityPub or Linked Data JSON should go to lemmy.
# These requests are used by Mastodon and other fediverse instances to look up profile information,
# discover site information and so on.
"~^(?:GET|HEAD):.*?application\/(?:activity|ld)\+json" "http://lemmy:8536/";
# All non-GET/HEAD requests should go to lemmy
# Rather than calling out POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, CONNECT and all the verbs manually
# we simply negate the GET|HEAD pattern from above and accept all possibly $http_accept values
"~^(?!(GET|HEAD)).*:" "http://lemmy:8536/";
server {
set $lemmy_ui "lemmy-ui:3000"; #these are the internal ports for the services
set $lemmy "lemmy:8536";
# this is the port inside docker, not the public one yet
listen 1236;
listen 8536;
# change if needed, this is facing the public web
server_name localhost;
server_tokens off;
# Upload limit, relevant for pictrs
client_max_body_size 20M;
# Send actual client IP upstream
include proxy_params;
# frontend general requests
location / {
proxy_pass $proxpass;
rewrite ^(.+)/+$ $1 permanent;
# security.txt
location = /.well-known/security.txt {
proxy_pass "http://$lemmy_ui";
# backend
location ~ ^/(api|pictrs|feeds|nodeinfo|.well-known|version|sitemap.xml) {
proxy_pass "http://$lemmy";
# Send actual client IP upstream
include proxy_params;
And finally, we have lemmy’s config, lemmy.hjson
# for more info about the config, check out the documentation
# https://join-lemmy.org/docs/en/administration/configuration.html
#make sure to check this out
database: {
host: postgres
password: "password"
# Alternative way:
#uri: "postgresql://lemmy:{{ postgres_password }}@postgres/lemmy"
hostname: "gregtech.eu"
pictrs: {
url: "http://pictrs:8080/"
api_key: "redacted"
image_mode: "None" #to not proxy images, can be changed if you'd like to have the images proxied by your server
email: { #for sending email
smtp_server: "smtp.sendgrid.net:587"
smtp_from_address: "lemmy@lemmy.gregtech.eu"
tls_type: "starttls"
smtp_login: "redacted"
smtp_password: "redacted"
# Parameters for automatic configuration of new instance (only used at first start)
setup: {
# Username for the admin user
admin_username: "gregor"
# Password for the admin user. It must be between 10 and 60 characters.
admin_password: "redacted"
# Name of the site, can be changed later. Maximum 20 characters.
site_name: "Gremmy"
# Email for the admin user (optional, can be omitted and set later through the website)
admin_email: "redacted"
Well, my storage usage was rapidly increasing, you like 340GB. I tried setting up the env vars that delete them after some time (4 days in my case) but it just ignored the config.