Deja Vous
Deja Vous
If the Ukranian numbers are to be believed (~1500 casualties/day) then this is about a 1 week supply of cannon fodder.
White. Male. And Yale. These bros have never actually worked for a living. They don’t really know anything about tech. They just jumped into that market to grift because they were born rich and that is what they do. In years past they’d have been trading tea, or loaning money to poor farmers then taking their land
I often use imagemagick (cli) for cropping, rotating, resizing, etc.
This only impacts poor people because the more affluent simply leave the state to get care.
He’s feeding the echo chamber with hopes it will drive his supporters to a voting frenzy. If he can’t get them to the polls, he will lose. His goal now is only to stir and agitate and excite his base.
Sending US arms to Ukraine is less about Ukraine than it is giving money to the US arms manufacturers. I’m sure those influential military industrial complex fat cats will find ways to keep the cash flowing - even if they have funnel it through someone else.