Nice, looks like a bit more care went into the visual presentation in comparison to Project Gutenberg. Thanks for sharing.
Nice, looks like a bit more care went into the visual presentation in comparison to Project Gutenberg. Thanks for sharing.
I read a ton as a kid too (probably averaged 3-5 books a week for many years), as an adult it’s hard to escape the cycle of wanting to feel productive but I’ve since tried my best to remember that reading for pleasure isn’t meant to be productive in the capitalist sense. It’s an investment in your own happiness, in my opinion, and that can be productive in other ways.
I mostly just don’t read much because I have other hobbies I like more and tend to watch a lot of video content and browse social media. I didn’t really do any of those things much as a teen, other than a bit of Facebook because everyone had it. For me it’s not the priority that it used to be, but I have a book server for easy access when I get the urge.
For me, I haven’t bought a new graphics card in a long time. I have a RX 580 that I bought used for $200 CAD. My next upgrade will be my motherboard since I’m still using a 1150 socket and I’m stuck using DDR3 RAM and an outdated CPU (Intel i5-4460).
I can still play newish games at low settings and that’s fine for me right now. I’m not buying a GPU at current retail price, fuck that. It’s crazy that the best time to build a PC was 2015.
I used short essays and short stories to get back into reading, maybe that approach would help you. They’re really old, but try A Modest Proposal or some of the satirical essays by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens), they’re short and sweet and inspire a desire for more.
Yeah, I’ve been learning Russian for fun and it’s been helpful in a few very small contexts like this one.
It’s funny to me that “and it’s good” had to be said because most of his ideas are so horrible and stupid.
Yeah, that happens during trade wars. I’m prepared for things to get a lot worse before they improve (if they ever do). Rapid inflation, here we come!
EXAPUNKS and Last Call BBS have the most flavour IMO. TIS-100 and Shenzhen I/O are also very good.
Honestly, all of them are worth trying so that you can see which ones are for you. They’re all pretty different (with a couple of exceptions), especially MOLEK-SYNTEZ.
It’s funny that he’s trying to imply that he’s reacting to our tariffs by saying the US ones are reciprocal, but then immediately contradicts that by (correctly) identifying ours as retaliatory.
Which is it, Don? How do we retaliate against something we allegedly started? Stupid fucking lying bastard. US stocks are plummeting and I hope it continues. FAFO.
It’s nearly universally too much to hope for capital to fail. In Canada, the CMHC and the BoC would make every effort to ensure that housing would not depreciate in value; if you want, you can think of it as essentially their job to make sure you stay a poor renter if you’re under 50.
It’s horrible of you to post this when it’s not out yet, now I have to wait to buy it. D:<
(Comments on the article mention that Zach said in an unofficial Discord that they’re looking at releasing this summer but nothing concrete.)
Sure, Jan. Taipei “[seeing] its partnership with the US as essential” means fuck-all to Trump.
Six months ago, Canadians thought the same thing. Now our entire steel industry is at risk, with significant threats to aluminum as well. Military recruitment is way up because the threat is real.
You said yourself that 1/4 of people don’t live in Whitehorse. Travelling around Yukon isn’t easy, quick, or cheap. Mail services are being trialled and I think that’s a lot better of a solution than offering it for free at one place and for $300-500 everywhere else.
You’re also being rude and vague at the same time, which is a horrible combination for being understood. Take a breath and actually make a real point instead of allusions to one.
Cabinet communications said the Yukon government offers Mifegymiso to Yukoners at no cost.
But the government acknowledges free pills are only available through the Whitehorse hospital.
So then it’s not free… It’s being given away at one place. Everywhere else it’s $300.
The CBC has published a website to explain things, you may find it useful.
On a personal level, I would be pissed if my country was being invaded by a common enemy and all the other nations in the world ignored us and let us die and lose a bunch of territory after pretending they gave a shit for a few years.
Russia is a large country with proven animosity for various countries and global organizations. They will not stop at Ukraine. Do you really believe the Russian justification for this war is true? This is an existential threat to the EU and Norway is not acting like it.
To be perfectly honest, Norway should remember where that money actually comes from (petroleum) and who will help them protect it should it ever be threatened by an entity such as Russia (with whom they share a border).
Let’s see how they like it when Trump says they haven’t done enough to support the USA and are taking advantage of them. You can support their military in critical operations and they simply won’t remember. Good luck, Norway, you’re playing a stupid game that you will lose.
Yeah, I’ve been to the US for work-related training and it’s the same. You must emphasize that you will not be working as an employee while you’re there, or they assume that you are.
He probably did sell it and the payment went to him personally. Trump is a loser who didn’t have enough money to pay his civil judgements just a few years ago. The money, if it does indeed exist, was never going to the US treasury.
…Looking at my specs, do you really believe that I paid it recently? This was many years ago.