She used to be a feminist until she realized that performative anti-feminism could be a nice little earner.
She used to be a feminist until she realized that performative anti-feminism could be a nice little earner.
It’s like there’s something about those health insurance companies that’s not fully on the level.
If the medical associations were anything but lobbying groups, they’d be taking away the professional certifications of these bottom-feeders.
Ripped off the providers and made it even worse?
Put in more traditional terms (that I don’t normally use, but I’m trying to keep it simple for the simple-minded), yes, camwhores are whores.
Didn’t that swine Tate force his victims to perform on OnlyFans, and beat them if they didn’t meet quotas?
Replace “shareholders” with “racist trolls” to get a better picture of what happened.
Let’s just hope that some of the Black people who stayed in the inner city were able to buy their homes. Rising energy costs are going to cause a re-migration from non-viable suburbs to higher-density urban environments. That could be a nice payday for inner-city property owners, assuming they’re cashing out due to old age and not just moving house.
If they’re a nonprofit, they should lose their status. And their funders’ corporate charters should be revoked.
Nothing will change until the rich take a big haircut.
You’d think that, but a depressingly large percent of middle managers identify more with the bosses than with the people doing real work. They believe that if they toe the line and work hard at enabling the sociopaths, they might eventually get the promised invisible handjob.
Interestingly, I’ve known more senior managers than middle managers who are radical. I’m one, and I’ve known many others. I think that those who really understand how the system works end up advancing, but they’re also the ones with no illusions about how the sausage is made.
Capitalism has made me moderately rich (and I started from near-destitution), but that doesn’t mean I am unaware of its many toxic side effects. You have to live within the system that exists. People who don’t know how to do anything make shitty revolutionaries and incompetent reformers.
Malcolm X was a fringe figure: the NOI got lots of press but didn’t really do all that much besides indulging in infighting and encouraging local Black businesses. Their approach to politics was separatism. H. Rap Brown, Stokely Carmichael, the Panthers, and many others were more closely involved in direct action.
And let’s not forget all the freedoms that were granted because we asked nicely while tugging our forelocks.
Those are easy to remember because there are none.
The regime we have is made up of real capitalists, who behave as capitalists often have throughout history. The kind of capitalism that’s fake is the Chicago-school free maket kind, which has never existed in real life, because it embodies a contradiction in terms. The market is either “free” as in freedom from regulation, or it’s “free” in terms of no oligopolistic barriers to entry. It can’t be both simultaneously. Tuly free markets have a lifetime comparable to free hydrogen atoms: they quickly settle to an equilibrium state that’s less free (by either definition).
“The hand that lifts you up holds you down.” Yeah, that’s a risk.
But if it’s unconditional, it can be beneficial for many people, especially those in music and the arts, caregivers, and others who contribute to the economy now without receiving much in the way of compensation.
Unions will not increase the average wage.
Unions (and redistributive policies) can increase median, not just mean wages. That’s the figure that matters to the “average” (50th-percentile) worker. The trillions of dollars hoarded by billionaires do nobody any good but the billionaires themselves.
Unions lobbying the current US government isn’t going to happen. Nothing short of a general strike will make them listen.
I suggest they unionize, demand seats on the board for their unions, and crush excessive C-level compensation. Moving on just moves the exploitation to a new kind of job.
It’s generally used to refer to programmers by people who have no idea of what programming entails.
You need to move. Everywhere I’ve ever lived in the US and UK (until I got into my current monogamous relationship), many women would make the first move. And believe me, I’m not a handsome man.