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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Yep, I know that for myself. But I can’t switch away from github as that is where the huge company I work for has its stuff - and it needs convincing the enterprises, not the individuals.

    Personally I just have my own repos which I can move anywhere in an eyeblink. But it takes political power to. move governments, departments and companies.

    For example I have no way to ditch Teams or Outlook, because that’s the accounts my employer set up. I can’t ditch my RSA hardware token, because that’s what my. employer’s customer uses. I can’t ditch. my work phone as only Samsung and Apple are vetted.

    That’s something that needs to change on a pan-europrean level.

  • Migrating cloud servers to European hosters. Give EU money to improve/build a linux desktop. Use that desktop in government, schools, universities… (instead of Windows). Fork Firefox. Host fediverse services and use them where the governments use Twitter / TikTok / Insta.

    Harder: Mandate for mobile phones with a user installable OS (Cyanogen etc.) Force tech companies to provide total transparency about data usage. Cancel any safe harbor agreements.

    In the end, everything the Open Source crowd wished for.

    Btw, I’d have no issues with American / Russian / China hosted open source stuff when we can review what it does. Ah, ok, a “european code review agency” might be a thing.

  • Yes, we’re tempted by the right, too. But ousting them now would do no good.

    But Ramstein (only one m, unlike the band) - keep the USians there for a time, let’s keep it as is for a time until it’s time to make some kind of deal.

    They might need it one day, so we keep it as a collateral.

    All long term international agreements and security guarantees died on the weekend so we need tangible things to force our former allies - now those we have deals with - to ensure they behave.

    The correct thing to do would be our foreign office to issue an official travel warning for the US. (Which would have some impact on tourism to the US)

    Let’s keep the big things for later, we WILL need them.

  • Trump is only the symptom. I’ve seen the Republicans walk into this direction more and more every cycle. Bush, Dubya, ahh then I remember Palin who didn’t win with her Tea Party chums etc. - it culminated in Maga.

    And even if Trump turns dead by suffocation, having his head up Putin’ s ass tomorrow - he’s only the most visible figure of this theater, and there a few more who probably wait to be King when the King is dead.

    Nevertheless, what the post before said is important - the US was a soft power, being in the center of a huge balanced. network of allies. That network, the one the Magas shat on, is what guaranteed stability for all. (And yes, I’m aware politics always was a dirty business - but not in this way)

    There were probably a lot of shouting matches between politicians in the past, probably even between presidents. But fucking never on live TV, now none of they can’t move without losing face. What a sharade.

  • I read what happened, and after I knew I watched the video clip.

    I’m still under shock.

    The world is turning, this is an important point in history. I was in disbelief for a long time, but we Europeans can’t trust the US anymore.

    This might be a good thing after all, we need to wean off the American teat and decouple ourselves. We need our own tech stacks, we need our own EU troops and we need our own whatever Nato once was.

    We need to jump in and cough up the money to replace the Ukraine Support the US did.

    I’m fucking afraid, the risk of
    an even bigger war just greatly increased.

    But whatever will happen we’ll never be able to trust the USA again, even if things get better there’s no guarantee the same shit happens again 4 years later.

    The only rational thing is to isolate ourselves from the sick patient.

  • It was “The Avatar” in a German translation. I read it twice or so at that time - and it’s many years since, so I have only a dim recollection of all the details, but a lot of politics, and (if I don’t mix it up now) questionable physics regarding light speed and mass, a lot of sex and some weird gaelic inspired poetry.

    Maybe I’ll find a copy one day again, to have a new look with my now old eyes and different woldview.

    From what I’ve seen on goodreads or so I had a bit of misfortune as The Avatar isn’t known as his best work. But beggars can’t be choosers, at that time I got my sci fi fix by browsing the one bookstand with scifi in the central station’s bookstore next to my bus stop home after school… they threw me out once or twice “This is for buying books, not for reading”