Sure, but that’s part of the electric drive train. That doesn’t require spyware or a 27" touch screen.
Sure, but that’s part of the electric drive train. That doesn’t require spyware or a 27" touch screen.
Wouldn’t urging people to stop using windows and instead use Linux be a more appropriate suggestion? Sure, GH is MS, but GH isn’t what is going to allegedly require TPM 2. Are we also supposed to stop playing Xbox because MS owns that too?
I did not! Interesting feature.
I’m sure there is a market for something like a 90’s era Civic or Corolla, but with an electric engine, and that’s the only difference.
Not powerful, but often useful, column -t
aligns columns in all lines. EG
$ echo {a,bb,ccc}{5,10,9999,888} | xargs -n3
a5 a10 a9999
a888 bb5 bb10
bb9999 bb888 ccc5
ccc10 ccc9999 ccc888
$ echo {a,bb,ccc}{5,10,9999,888} | xargs -n3 | column -t
a5 a10 a9999
a888 bb5 bb10
bb9999 bb888 ccc5
ccc10 ccc9999 ccc888
If Trump wasn’t an egotistical shithead he would use this to his advantage.
I’ve switched from using dd
to using pv
to write disk images to removable media.
Don’t run killall
on aix before reading the man page!
The huge list of sites can be found here
Great call out! I first used ftp about 30 years ago, and lftp has been my go to for about the last decade. I rarely need it anymore, but I still use it for quickly transferring files with my homebrew switch.
I love jq, but I wouldn’t call it “surprising simple” for anything but pretty-formatting json. It has a fairly steep learning curve for doing anything with all but the simplest operations on the simplest data structures.
Also, you can make yes
return anything:
yes no
Strong atheism is a belief based on faith
My guess is this is why you’re being downvoted, because everything else seems to be accurate.
Saying strong atheism is based on faith is the same as saying that believing dragons definitely do not exist is based on faith. In such a scenario, we all have infinite faith because we all firmly disbelieve in the existence of infinite things. We are so faithful in that scenario that the word faith becomes meaningless.
I’m honestly not sure what your point is in firmly asserting that strong atheism is a faith based belief. At best it seems like dying on a hill of split hairs.
Also for anybody else who is interested, here’s some relevant reading material
Believing that The Force isn’t real doesn’t make me a Star Wars fan, or even a Sci-Fi fan, even though that’s a Star Wars belief. People can have strong opinions about something without that belief indicating that they are devout zealots about that topic.
I’m not sure if this is what you were hinting at, but that is called The Malthusian Trap, and we keep finding ways to escape it. Climate was never part of it though, but I agree with you that climate balance is suffering as a result.
I guess you were never guilt tripped after being forced to watch Hell’s Bells.
Also, Chick Tracts were huge in the 80’s and those are not “chill and be a good person” kind of things. Nor is slut shaming. I could go on.
Who needs grandma’s love and attention when an artificial surrogate can consume it and dump it all into an aggregated user profile of grandma instead? /s
Meanwhile, my late grandmother was the kind of woman who would notice the television distracting from a conversation, turn it off, and say “tv dominates the room.” I miss her a lot.
Plus AI can’t eat grandma’s peach cobbler a la mode.
100% agree. I was recently thinking about the Two Minutes Hate and how polarized our politics are these days.
In re-directing the members’ subconscious feelings away from the Party’s governance of Oceania and toward non-existent external enemies, the Party minimises thoughtcrime and the consequent subversive behaviours of thoughtcriminals.
Wag The Dog.
TIL, thanks for sharing that.
“book of wisdom” my ass. Click this link a few times and see how often you end up with something truly wise, worthy of being the word of an omniscient god
Edit: lol, my 6th time loading it I got this nugget of wisdom that all the Trump idolizing evangelicals are completely ignoring: “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.” But I guess god loved the adulterer King David too so 🤷♂️ Yahweh’s gonna yaweh.