Your take is incorrect.
Your take is incorrect.
I hope you figure out how to set boundaries. 60 hours of working time is 8 am to 8 pm 6 days per week. You will have heart problems, and soon. You will have hair problems (if male) and soon. You will have relationship problems and depression. Same deal for metabolic conditions like prediabetes from sitting so long.
Don’t give your health to fatten your CEOs paycheck.
You should be aiming for 35 if you can (9-5, x5) if that.
The current tech industry has taken a hard right turn. While there are of course many standout foss contributors and many come up every day, the vast majority of people in tech have no qualms about waking up, destroying privacy at Facebook, and having a beer after work with friends and ignoring society. Silicon valley is “fuck you got mine” on an industrial scale.
If it’s associated with a specific device it will let you (ex my Android tv has its own account, no phone)
You know when you’re playing a game and you think this is kinda dumb sure my gun now does 100 more damage but the baddies have 100 more health so really nothing has changed? But it still makes you feel better because well, it’s 100 more.
I think that’s how these valuations work.
Are you talking about machine inspection? Cause that’s been around for decades. Why is that impacted by AI? You usually want the opposite of ai, a traceable way of verifying a part was made right every time.
I haven’t shot anyone unarmed yet. So who is policing??
“Voluntary” and voluntary are different. If you want to be educated on the difference because you just don’t quite get it, I’m confident you can get into San Quentin.
pride not Pride
Who is policing? I’m just saying you’re a random entity on the internet who also fanboys over a low visibility, polluting, death machine. Then you go on about how you’re actually pretty far left…could easily be a big old case of the lady doth protest too much (akin to the protonmail guy walking back his maga nature with “I’m left on some issues, right on others”).
All I said is I don’t buy this facade you have.
“It’s one of the better forced labor systems in our over-incarcerated racist system”
-A true hero for the downtrodden, baguette
They just voted to keep it non-volunteer…three months ago. Less, actually. So why don’t you stop harassing people.
This is California, he’s paid below min wage (edit I misread as per hour, which is also below min wage)
Everyone has pride, silly
More effective to just start penpal relationships with Chinese folks you find on the internet. Just write some shit about the T-square and Pooh and if they keep responding you know it’s secure.
I dunno, you have a favorite pickup truck. I have a hard time believing you’re on the left.
All bad guys do weird stuff with their pinky when talking about money
No money in Twitter either
The input energy doesnt matter that much. Nobody is going to use 1980s laser tech to power a real reactor. As with OP, inertial confinement is interested in very small nuanced science aspects, not making a power plant.