I’d guess so, and that makes sense to limit the people wealthy enough to buy property and not live in Spain
Not saying you’re a rich landlord
I’d guess so, and that makes sense to limit the people wealthy enough to buy property and not live in Spain
Not saying you’re a rich landlord
Wow, that’s very fast imo. Good for you!
Great randomizer out there for it. And it’s Archipelago compatible so you can mix it in with other randomizers alone or with friends, in case you want more!
They also introduced Watcher late. No guarantee the 4 characters here are the only characters
The fact that me and a coworker can’t both share our screens at the same time is absolutely batshit. 1x1 collaboration isn’t even reasonable, nevermind anything more
I was hoping that’d be a Dan video. He has another one about how it’s Rude to Suck at Warcraft, which I found enlightening on how things have changed in WoW
Hey, I’m one of those wishlisters!
I’m excited to see it. Your inspiration games are great (anything that says similar to Outer Wilds is going on the wishlist, basically), and I’m looking forward to your narrative. I haven’t played the demo yet and was going to go in blind.
Cheers man, hope it is okay for your work life balance soon enough.
I mean the DS was pretty radical at the time.
I feel like Nintendo does a huge innovation, then an iteration or two(or a bunch of little changes), then back to a big change. Wii/WiiU, GB/GBA, DS/3DS, switch/2