as a cross platform app developer myself… what the fuck are you talking about?
as a cross platform app developer myself… what the fuck are you talking about?
It’s a great explanation. However you have some pretty egregious use of commas that made it a lot more confusing. I had to read it over multiple times to fully understand.
It may seem like nitpicking but these subtle issues end up making it harder to comprehend and overall results in more time and effort for everyone you’re trying to inform.
an absolute legend.
you’re a fool of a took
is no one calling it the X-odus and why?
arg. had this discussion about how Canada voted it down a few years back also because “too confusing.”
like, maybe there were too many options but I knew we needed to pick any of them instead of keeping the same bullshit system that has always required lesser of evil voting.
arg. people are so fickle and ignorant.
you’re right. it was decided on fear of immigrants, economic ignorance and selfish individualism.
I’m a senior full stack dev and qa engineer. Both can be equally challenging given the context. Making this statement makes you sound probably qa. Thought I’d ask but you dodged the question.
what qualifies you to make such a blanket statement?
you straight up have not been paying any attention
personally I think it’s the phone that’s more the problem. the persistent access seems like it contributes more to habit forming than the nebulous definition of social media. and that’s much easier to define and possible enforce.
found the smoker
I don’t think internet is as much the problem as phones.
found the scourge
“After leaving office he spent decades building houses for the needy.”
Totally reliable. You didn’t have to make an excuse for a poorly executed rush job after admitting the mangle.
I didn’t know he quit politics for the needy.
same as my GameStop shares
Reports ARE that the truck.