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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • That’s crazy, I don’t know how you do it. When my SO and I got back together after I had gone vegan she tried it for me and has stuck with it ever since. I can’t imagine having to fight against my SO or watch them eat meat every day.

    Sorry, I know you’re not commenting for relationship advice. I’m sure there is a world where two people could have different beliefs on this and still coexist, but yours sounds… hostile. I’d really ask yourself if they’re worth it.

  • I think liberals understand this, at some level, but they know they are powerless to do anything about it within the system they’ve built for themselves. They can’t outright say this, or they would never be re-elected.

    They have completely embraced neoliberal economic policies, and thus depend on corporate money and support. The only thing they can do is toss people a bone here and there, and implement slow policies that might help over time, but won’t rock the boat now. Business do not like sudden changes, they want predictable stability as that’s what their investments and forcasting is built on.

    Conservatives are also in the pocket of corporations, but they simply have no problem lying to their voters. They will point the finger, blame the other, make outlandish claims, and purposefully mislead the public while having no intention of helping them. They just want to solidify their power and line their pockets. People fall for these lies because they’re tired of the status quoe and any kind of major change sounds like a benifit. They’re shooting themselves in the foot, but they don’t know it yet.

  • It’s interesting how tastes vary. I’ve been vegan for five years now but I still enjoy the food I grew up with. So I’m all for meat-like replacements. I would eat lab grown meat too if it became affordable. That said, I find looking at raw meat in the grocery store a lot more revolting than I used to, so I suppose that’s similar.

    I do understand where you’re coming from though, if you grew up not eating meat or just have lost your taste for it, more options are always better. Unfortunately I think what they’re providing already is a stretch to them, so I don’t see them expanding alternative menues any time soon.

    The real annoying thing is when you do find a veggie style pattie like you were describing… and it has egg in it.