Tbf all platforms have this. Steams not much better. Neither is the Xbox ecosystem. We truly are in the worst timeline.
Tbf all platforms have this. Steams not much better. Neither is the Xbox ecosystem. We truly are in the worst timeline.
Wow AC shadows pre sale levels must be really bad. Not too surprising tho. For a studio that basically said “there’s way more interesting time periods we want to focus on” the fact they finally went to feudal Japan felt more like they ran out of interesting ideas. Doesn’t help ghost of tsushima beat them by a few years and was basically the best AC game since black flag.
Legitimately what’s stopping them from accepting the ban and just releasing tiktok 2 with another name. Everyone will hear about the endorsed tiktok replacement and flock to their instead of the other weird Chinese app people are moving to in protest. Literally unless America bans China operating in the States their just going to whack a mole this until America stops singling it out.
This is a lot of condolences but doesn’t mention at all how she died.
Pretty much. Although I continue to be annoyed this ever even needed to be asked. There’s literally a browser setting to communicate this “do not track”. EU really should’ve just forced everyone to respect it :/.
Statistically sure but then it’s on the algorithm to recommend stuff that interests you more. Reposting things is just spoofing the recommendation algorithm and making things more likely to bubble up to you which is always going to cut both ways. Some people want duplication, others don’t.
Not to be that guy but no one expects someone to stumble on earlier posts and thus not repost them. But you can quite easily search for them before reposting the exact same thing. One requires luck the other requires care. It’s similar to not asking for support with an issue that’s already been discussed in a separate users question.
I’ve never had this issue but I run basically everything through docker and presumably it bundles this by default.
I would recommend just using caddy. It removes the complicated part of ssl management. For a local network it’ll setup a local self signed certificate authority and you can just install those certificates to any devices on your LAN that you want to have access. For a public setup it’ll use letsencrypt. You will still need to setup dns if you want wildcard routing.
Damn it. This is gold. Take my upvote.
Ddns-updater and porkbun.
I mean yes, but also these execs are more than rich enough to just have a 24/7 guard detail on retainer. They’ll be mildly inconvenienced by that tho so bets are they’ll step back and put a pazzi as the face of their companies.
Just circle back in a year and buy at a discount on steam XD.
*Audible gasp
I pirate basically everything, but streaming music isn’t a sham. You pay for the catalogue and the recommendation feed. Getting anything close to an actual streaming platforms variety and convenience through piracy is hard and frankly not worth the effort.
I have to hope their contractually obligated to provide them. If not I’d look forward to the class action suite but then again the judges are openly corrupt. America is a clusterf*ck right now.
Cat ears and tail will be emailed to you. Congratulations recruit. Don’t ask how we know where you live :-P.
Sounds to me like a perfect recipe to round up and arrest a bunch of traitors to American principles. Was the thought trump would just shut up and quietly go away if we kept biding time or he lost another election. What, if anything, about trumps character would make anyone think that. 100% the government just dropped the ball on this. They won with trump in the opposition and wanted to time it well enough to win again and have him divide and weaken the republicans.
I mean buying twitter at a massive premium was a consequence. Although yeah, he just pooled together other people to pay for it :/.
Lmao, musk is on record as making absurd offers and then trying everything he can to back out of them. I’m not sure why he offered this himself instead of getting a consortium of investors together to do so on his behalf without any involvement from him.