Ah, yep, def when they called it Firefox.
Ah, yep, def when they called it Firefox.
Indeed. This is 100% on management for not prioritizing PC and rushing the release dates. Cheaping out is right, lazy…not so much IMO.
This was essentially my same reaction to that comment. All I can think is that they imagined that this post said something like “Firefox bad because DEI CEO!” and reacted without actually reading the post.
Which … I mean, given the world we currently live in, is probably being said somewhere. But on this post, it’s a HECK of a non-sequitur.
basically when it was first released
Ah, back in the Mozilla Phoenix days? Or shortly after the Firebird->Firefox rename?
deleted by creator
master/slave relationship in tech
Wait, this is a thread about branch names in git. The “master” in question would be more akin to a “master recording” from music, not master/slave software or system architecture.
I can’t help but read this as “forty-ies” instead of “forties” 😂
no more to do with technology than CEOs of wood pulp factories have to do with literature.
This has me envisioning a literature community filled with stories like “Random House and Penguin merging” (I know, old news), “Layoffs at PRH”, etc.
Star Trek for me, I think (though oddly, I’ve played in a Star Wars tabletop RPG but never a Star Trek RPG). My wife and I started watching Deep Space 9 from the beginning about a month ago. I had seen some of it a while back (not everything, busy with school at the time). She had never seen it. We just finished season 1.
I don’t think it qualifies as “old school”, but I do like the Vorkosigan books.
Lately I’ve been on kind of a Scalzi kick. I’m partway through the Interdependency series.
I remember getting Medieval 1 as a Christmas present and playing all day! I didn’t actually get Medieval 2 until many years later – I was playing Rome for a long time.
I have to confess, I’m not a fan of the “Game: Remastered” trend. I love games this old partly because of the nostalgia. Re-releasing them this way erases that part of it for me – plus, I just can’t shake the “WTF, I need to re-buy a game this old?! Forget it!” feeling.
Duke of Death is iconic. I’m kind of surprised they didn’t keep it in the track list for later games.
I’ve been there! A friend of mine told me about it.
I hadn’t ever had pho before that. I thought it was good, but I’m not exactly a pho guru.
A classic :D
I haven’t played M2TW in a while. Maybe I should pick it up again for another campaign. Hmm…
Why not? If they enjoy it, more power to them.
There’s no law that says you can’t replay games you’ve enjoyed.
Good choice. I’ve been going back and forth between Timberborn and Satisfactory for about the past month.
Same here :D
This is a good point. Intelligent sociopaths do exist. “stupid” and “evil” are not synonyms.
Ugh, I hate that you’re right about this. It used to mean a topic of study in computer science. Now it means…I don’t even know what it’s supposed to mean.
O…kay? I never said you HAD a responsibility to buy MH Wilds. I’m really not sure where your vehement reaction is coming from.