Wow that’s awful.
Wow that’s awful.
Isn’t asthma medication pretty cheap and long lasting? From what little I know an inhaler can last many months. Also if they can’t afford that, surely they have state medical insurance to help with it? Just seems so scammy.
It’s cool you guys allow it. I find banning self-promotion is such a stupid rule for a games community. It’s cool seeing people make games, too!
Why not just stream it?
I think the issue is more that VC’s prioritize draining money out of what they acquire instead of continuing with what works for longer term gains.
If you worked on Dauntless, just want to say I appreciate your part! Only played it for a while at release because the grind turned me off but it’s been sad seeing news pop up of how it has been going downhill. Was such a fun game.
Sucks that good game devs get laid off because the leaders are asleep at the wheel unless it involves monetization.
Give them Titanfall 2 if you want them to play a good shooter. Sure, they might come out of the campaign with depression, but certainly not with heads filled with propaganda!
I feel like that’s more on the parents for not informing their child about the MIC and how they basically sign themselves away to be government property.
That feature is now gone for users in the EU. Additionally, the Maps tab, once prominently displayed alongside Images and News, has also vanished.
Actually wild of the EU to force an inferior product on people. Glad I’m not there for once.
Megaman Zero games. Even when I was a kid I probably only got past 2 bosses but every time I try to replay them I can never get past the tutorial bosses. Beautiful games but man are they punishing.
X4. The economy must flow.
Gift him a Starsector code or share your own if already have one.
Gift any super moddable games he likes. If he enjoys Bethesda games on consoles, he will definitely love PC only mods. Also explain to him what Big Picture Mode on Steam is. I wish I knew it existed when I started. Get the same console experience and seamless controller integration even if the game doesn’t officially support it.
Edit: Also any super pretty games would probably be a nice gift. Cyberpunk 2077 was one of the first I installed. Really nice realizing how much better looking games can be with a powerful computer.
I had no idea it was, I don’t keep up with browser news. I just wish they didn’t migrate to Chromium. It became my main browser for a brief period before that.
I just used it randomly when I was working and doing some shopping for a computer in my downtime and decided to try out the feature. That and the AI are super good when combo’ed to shop smart. Managed to save $800 off a quality laptop.
Thank you for the recommendation, looks neat. Tracking prices of different conditions is a nice touch. I’ll have to scrutinize it further when I make my next online purchases and chuck it into Edge as I made that my dedicated shopping browser.
Yeah I thought that too until seeing the bits about consumers getting shafted. Awful company, hope they get sued into bankruptcy.
Any company can do that. That’s why it’s more important to have new browsers (THAT AREN’T CHROMIUM, LOOKING AT YOU EDGE) for competition. Making a company sell the browser used by the majority of people is absolutely not the answer. That’s gambling.
I don’t get the boner the feds have for making Google sell Chrome. Maintaining a browser looks like a huge investment and as bad as Google is, there are much worse companies that would jump at the chance to buy it. Imagine some Tencent-tier corporation making you pay to have the ability to install extensions.
Only shopping plugin I use is the one that comes with Edge. Surprisingly good to track price history and find other sites selling the product. I considered some Chrome plugin that displays an Amazon product’s country of origin to avoid Chinesium but apparently it didn’t work well or something like that from reading the reviews. Had some attached rewards function for shopping with it, ick.
I always assumed it was a combination of your guess and companies giving Honey special coupon codes so consumers are more eager to spend.
“Hey Honey, we’ll give you 1% commission if you just host this HONEY5 coupon for 5% off.”
That was my impression when I used it once. Wasn’t worth having an extension just for a slight discount. Love when a company doesn’t fulfill the service they advertise.
I don’t get the people shitting on this. It’s a very fair plan. Something I’ve been wishing existed for the past month, even. Like the article states, it’s for people who use YT to watch TV (me).
I just hope there’s a yearly plan to get a little bit more of a discount. Student plan is the same price but no yearly plan, so it comes to ~$90 per year.