being made? We are all capitalist slaves, there is no one to make a slave when everyone is born in slavery.
being made? We are all capitalist slaves, there is no one to make a slave when everyone is born in slavery.
But to play devil’s advocate (pun very much intended) in the gnostic scripture of the nag Hamadi it straight up says whoever parctipated in the tower of babel will go to hell. Why punish people when they thought they were doing good? And the nag hamadi also says whatever happens in the world is god’s will. Meaning every single event in history whether good or bad is because god wanted it that way. So according to the nag hamadi god wanted all the wars, all the climate change, all the confusion, all the rape and murder is because god wanted it. Why aren’t we born with knowledge of every language if god wanted diverse languages? That way people will choose the language they speak rather than it being forced upon them from wherever they’re born. The nag hamadi actually answers every existential question if you read it objectively without any pre existing beliefs in my personal view. We don’t have any free will on earth according to the nag hamadi and this is the only universe that exists.
I don’t think we have. Some people theorise that the tower of babel really happened. Whether you’re religous or not doesn’t really matter but it shows that during the earliest recorded days humanity wanted to help each other and everyone by building a tower. There are theories as to why god didn’t allow the tower to reach them so then the blame is put on god, not humanity.
It depends on the discord. I joined a discord where the most narcissistic people were there and they singled me out for whatever reason because I wasn’t just simply going with their thinking. There was another member that thought like me but their own narcissi tendencies made up a conspiracy theory that somehow that was my alt. I didn’t even know the guy irl. It’s a shame as I was interested in the subject matter of the discord but I guess if enough village idiots own a discord, the smart villager is seen as the idiot.
Capitalism is slavery so america runs on slavery.
Or like a content aggregator where people post links to news and discuss it. I wonder where I can find one of them,
We need another french revolution, I’m a brit and you know things are bad when I’m supporting france
If you are given a choice between two mouldy foods, most sane people would say “I don’t want any of them.” even if one is less mouldy than the other. We need to start saying no when given the option between two mouldy foods so we can have better foods,
The antichrist is said to be given power for 42 months and then die in revelation so if trump dies July 2028 (Trump was given power in Jan 2025) then we may only have a few more years in this world. Enjoy it while you can. If you’re lucky enough to enjoy it.
So I guess it’s free speech as long as you agree with the goverment’s speech. If not, then it’s a crime.
We’re already slaves. They are just making it more obvious.