The War on Obesity wins in unexpected ways.
Just a guy wandering aimlessly through this world.
Pronouns: he/him/his
The War on Obesity wins in unexpected ways.
Big Foods are using contaminated fresh food to push people back to ultra processed food. /s
Soooooo, instead of educating young boys and men about respect and decency, they instead force women to cover themselves completely, and now remove windows from buildings, because young boys and men can’t be trusted to be basic human beings?
Yeah, you know you’re doing it right when you have to force other people to bend to your degeneracy.
We need to replace it with something, not just cheer because a shitty religion is dying.
Why not both?
And they say there’s no such thing as good news.
The FCC will address the issue next month, while further U.S. actions are expected.
Right. I’ll start holding my breath now.
Yeah I’m kind of regretting my Reyee router right now. Guess we should look up rooting them and seeing what we can find.
For most boomers, this is true. It’s genx and younger that will suffer.
Mmhmm. This is ‘Murica: The Land of Opportunity ™. With the right lawyers, I’m sure those hornet thugs will be back out on the streets in no time.
East side represent! ✌️
Pornhub should come out with their own vpn service as a fuck you to the gop. Because while they may not “service” certain states, I’d bet those citizens still use pornhub and other sites.
Expected to rise? Check your receipts; they’ve been rising.
Found Daniel Handler’s account.
I have to wonder how many unvaxxed kids are out there right now where their parents have lied and said the kids are vaxxed. I wouldn’t put it past some unscrupulous doctors (and savvy parents) to forge vax docs where required.
If true, I would imagine what Trump and team are doing is only going to embolden unvaxxers to be more open and honest, rather than hiding it away.
Regardless, it sucks that kids are being used as pawns in their nutjob parent’s conspiracy theories. They don’t deserve it (the kids).
That Fucking Goon?
Eh, they took their shot; missed their mark. I’m sure they’ll keep trying though. Only a matter of time. They’ve got all the time in the world. Their “customers”, not so much.
Great! Let ‘em have their animal fats/lard/tallow. They don’t trust medical doctors, so when their LDL goes through the roof… well, Darwinism will step in. Problem will self-correct in a generation or two.
In other words: FAFO.
Unfortunately his wallet isn’t hurting. He’s still rich.
Not sure which side of the argument you’re taking. But, to answer your questions…
how much does it cost tesla to provide API access?
Not as much as they would want you to believe. Most APIs are written once, and only updated if a major change in the backend happens. The majority of any operating costs would go into cloud services, if the telemetry from the car is sent to Tesla first. I don’t own a Tesla, so I don’t know for sure. I would imagine it’s, because that would allow Tesla better metrics on app usage.
or we don’t discuss their costs structure and profit margin?
Whose? Tesla or the app developers? I’m not against a business making a profit. It’s kind of the point. They provide some sort of service, and as a customer we pay some sort of fee. The problem as I see it, some companies (like Twitter, Reddit, and Tesla for example) are not balancing the age-old “supply and demand” model of economics. Of course that’s my opinion.
we only do that for the guy doing the actual work
Huh? Please explain.
I don’t get it. Why do people end their otherwise non-funny statements with “lol”?
Yes, I didn’t account for the transaction fees. But I believe my point still stands. If people find enough value in it, they’d probably pay for it; and that’s why Tesla is charging what they are.
I do agree with you about it being batshit crazy. If it were me, I sure as hell wouldn’t want to pay $15/mo for that. But I try to be a cheapskate where I can.
Do you want a cookie or something?