I have, too, depending on the size of the person rude.
It’s weird… almost like rude people don’t like to be called rude and are happy to be rude in response to being called rude.
I have, too, depending on the size of the person rude.
It’s weird… almost like rude people don’t like to be called rude and are happy to be rude in response to being called rude.
I’m guessing it was a different brand if you remember the details that clearly. The fake vent texture is making me think Magnavox for some reason.
Doesn’t look like Sony made a 42". They did make a 43", which is what this story is about, but it was only 480p not 1080i. The largest 1080i CRT they made was the 34".
In other words, “BYD totally tolerates slavery and human rights violations, just not in Brazil where that sort of triviality is against the law.”
It’s almost as if the people who hate each other are basically the same people.
You do realize, don’t you, that the majority of Taiwanese do not want reunification? Well, I mean, they want reunification with their party in power and don’t want CCP-controlled reunification.
In one poll, 63% said they would personally fight if China tried to force reunification. In another poll, the VAST majority wanted to maintain the status quo. Some of those want to keep the status quo and decide later, some want to keep it forever, some want to keep it but start moving toward independence. In that poll, only around 2% want reunification now, and only 5% want full independence now. In another poll, 49% wanted full independence and 27% wanted status quo, while only 12% wanted reunification.
Something about a bullshit rule that can be exploited by those in power.
OK, I’m happy that the children are being held safe… but how about arresting the people who did the horrible shit?
This is completely untrue. While there might be some streets unable to do this, it is definitely not most.
A) This requires 20A charging, which is lower power draw than a normal electric dryer. Are you super concerned about houses having dryers? What about air conditioners? They pull literally 3 times the power. How can we possibly install air conditioners in every house?!?!
B) The vast majority of these will be used late at night, when most electric draw is at a minimum (like air conditioners and dryers).
Yes, let’s just have everyone on Earth breathe in diamond dust all day every day. There’s no way that could be bad for our health.
Right-wing perspective: because she is using state money to pay her lover who then takes her on vacations, it is in her interests to drag out the case to keep paying her lover more money. This means she will keep dragging Trump through the mud just to keep taking funneling state money to her lover. She had the choice of who to hire as her support team, and she chose to hire someone she is not only sleeping with but also taking nice vacations with who pays for parts of those trips.
Reality: she is paying her share of those vacations and tried to move the case faster than the defendant’s lawyers wanted. She has no interest in dragging the case out and all the delays have been on Trump’s side.
The real issue: she had to be 100% perfect to take down Trump, and she allowed her personal life to interfere with her professional life. If she had hired someone else or put her relationship on hold, then maaaaaaaaybe Trump would have gone to trial (HAHAHAHAHA, yeah right). If this man was so important to her, then she should have recused herself.
You are 100% correct. My only issue is this didn’t happen far enough before the election for it to matter. Now it doesn’t matter who the prosecutor is. This is guaranteed to go nowhere.
I also misread the title and thought Austria was vetoing them joining.
Wow, Russia pulling out the big guns here, going after Big Slide.
Is it confirmed that the person didn’t get the $50k reward that was posted?
I went to Florida for spring break and remained chaste… sad face
I loved that she said she would probably pistol whip someone instead of shooting them. Just the best response.
I think there is some blame to passed onto for-profit hospital conglomerates. They degrade care to drive down costs to maximize profits. They force doctors to do min-maxing and game theory shit to get bonuses that don’t actually help the patients.
I agree that insurance companies are the biggest issue, but let’s not absolve the big hospital corporations.
10 years before COVID I had to change primary care doctors because he was scheduled 3 months out. It got way worse after COVID, but the argument about long wait times was always overblown.
The headline says dying, not dead. And the article is about new methods of ID verification, some of which are already in place. I fly for work a lot, and I rarely have to show any ID nowadays. Clear gets my ID from an eye scan and gives that to TSA. Delta and Air France use my face scan at the gate instead of checking my passport when I fly internationally. The only check for my passport now is when I drop off my bags.