It’s incredible how they can say nothing while speaking for 30 minutes. Gotta appreciate the very critical press though, refreshing to see. Where I live the press will ask what they had for lunch and then leave it at that.
It’s incredible how they can say nothing while speaking for 30 minutes. Gotta appreciate the very critical press though, refreshing to see. Where I live the press will ask what they had for lunch and then leave it at that.
I was going to say: “no way they’d be that stupid again”, but then again the US just elected Trump for a second time so who knows
Russian decisions over the past few years haven’t exactly shown much long-term strategic choices or forethought, so I doubt this is an argument for them
The US will attach an angry letter to the next shipment of bombs, I’m sure.
They have just fucking stopped halfway covering what they are doing haven’t they? They realised that daddy US will protect them no matter what, so now they just go full steam ahead.
You know, even though it’s still rewarding Israel’s actions in a way, out of all the support the US is giving, this one I probably mind the least. It will prevent further innocent deaths (regardless of what side they are on, this is always a net positive), and it can’t be used by Israel against the Palestinian and Lebanese people. Let the US take over all of the defense of Israel if it means they stop delivering bombs and missiles that Israel will use to further their genocide.
I don’t think Israel would give a shit either way, and I don’t think they would face any more consequences from the international community than some strong words.
After later being a soldier for Israel and a “freelance strategy consultant” who co-produced a propaganda podcast with a member of the IOF’s social media team, Keller-Lynn later was published by the Wall Street Journal, covering Israel. Then, she obtained an intelligence dossier from Israel—and published damaging information about Israel’s avowed enemy the week the ICJ ordered it to pull back.
A few days later, Channel 4 in Britain got the dossier and said it contained “no evidence” to support Israel’s “explosive new claim” that “around 190 Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist operatives” had worked as UNRWA employees and “more than 10 staffers took part in the events of 7th of October.” But by then the damage was done: UNRWA had lost hundreds of millions of funding. There is no telling when, or if, it will come back.
How was anything reported by Keller-Lynn ever “objective” news journalism?
The dossier mentioned in the WSJ article (an article authored by a known Israeli propagandist, for the record) did not contain any evidence supporting the claim that was made
I also advice you to read this, and consider the impact such propaganda has on real people. Real human beings.
Do you really want to be on that side of history? Do you want to look back on your life when you are on your deathbed and realize you supported the slaughter of tens- to hundreds of thousands of human beings just like you and me, based on lies and deception? And to have further spread and supported these lies?
The main activities of UN Watch
Monitor UN activities, resolutions, or official statements that are construed to be critical of Israel.[4]
Lobby for the removal of UN personnel who are considered critical of Israel[5]
Forming coalitions to leverage influence at the UN. This also entails assisting the interests of other groups to later count on their support.[6]
Lobby for the inclusion of AJC approved personnel; this is a standard operating procedure by the American Jewish Committee[7]
UN Watch is very much still Israeli propaganda, or rather a lobbying organisation
PMW believes that the key to the future is peace education. Our research, however, shows that Palestinian children have not been given that key. More than three decades since the signing of the Oslo Accords, the Palestinian Authority is still actively poisoning the minds of its children with hate.
Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) is a non-profit Israeli research institute
You can come back to me when you have a source that not blatantly Israeli propaganda
Yes, they keep Palestinians alive, thereby slowing down Israels mission to kill them all and therefore prolonging the conflict.
Curious to see what the Dutch government will do. They have been one of the most loyal lapdogs of the US and Israel, but with the ICC being in The Hague, going against it is not a pretty look either.
We also have a court that has ordered we can’t deliver F-35 parts because it’s likely they will be used to commit war crimes, and the government is fighting that order. I imagine the ICC saying the same will not help their case.
They recently increased their propaganda budget by a massive amount, moght have something to do with it.