Dixon White’s future MAGA 2029 videos seem only to be half a joke. For all we know, Queen Elonia just hasn’t cracked her egg yet.
Dixon White’s future MAGA 2029 videos seem only to be half a joke. For all we know, Queen Elonia just hasn’t cracked her egg yet.
Dang that’s a bit harsh to the poor 12 year olds, being compared to someone like that!
This was the best I could find with my limited Google powers.
Not by choice, we don’t.
Yes. Yes they do. I used to work with a lady who swore that her life had been changed by her Himalayan salt lamp.
She was very crunchy.
…at least the salt lamps look kinda cool?
God, I forgot about that. I used to work in an office full of Farage fans and that was one of the most common threads back in 2016. There was a large amount of open racism, too. It was an experience.
Farage and his Reform party exists. So that’s at least one MP that I could see saying yes.
I think there’s something similar in terms of initial patent rights, but it’s awful that people who need these meds are footing the bill. I realise now that I have been spoiled by the NHS. The idea of charging people for medical care that they need is unthinkable to me. It’s heartbreaking.
Wow, damn I had no idea. It’s criminal that they’re allowed to price gouge people like that!
I’d understand if it was some frivolous cosmetic thing made from anglerfish caviar or something equally absurd, but this is lifesaving medicine. I wish terrible things on the people who set those prices, that’s pure evil.
Does the US not have generic unbranded drugs?
Generics are literally a fact of life over here (UK) and the fact that Americans are going insane over them is wild to me. The NHS will prescribe generics as standard because they’re cheaper to supply and they’re literally the same drug.
My mother has a whole goody-bag of medication and there’s not a single brand name to be seen. They’ve kept her going for >10 years.
Oh look, another reason to not use Shitter and also to loathe Musk. I do love adding them to my mental list.
Not surprising, though. Musk has that kind of vibe.
The UK isn’t part of the European Union fwiw