Dharma Curious (he/him)

Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!

Check out DharmaCurious.neocities.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024

  • During the primaries is when covid hit, chaos ensued, the primaries were cut short, right in the tails of (all perfectly legal) fuckery by the centrists and Warren. I’m not saying that’s some conspiracy shit about covid or that it was planned or anything, just that it was crazy, chaotic, no one knew what was going on. There was a plague on. What I am saying is that with 8 years of no real, full primaries I do not think the entrenched powers that be within the Democratic party are going to relinquish the amount of control they gained by cutting primaries short. The Democrats have always had a problem with primaries, and letting the people actually pick the candidates. That’s why they love their superdelegates so much, it gives the party the power to overrule the people. Limiting the primaries further (again, after giving people 8 years to get used to it, even if it wasn’t planned or intentional) is just an extension of party control over the candidate. Primaries are not elections, there’s no requirement that the private corporations that call themselves political parties give us a choice as to the candidate they run, and I see no reason why they would not limit that as much as possible to protect their interests. There is a balancing act within the party: how much control and power can we hold while not pissing off the base so much that they abandon us?

    With the tactic of ‘vote for us or watch your loved ones die or end up in camps’ combined with taking advantage of situations like the aftermath of a chaotic and unavoidably cut short primary season, the answer is “quite a lot”

  • It’s not about productivity. If that were the real goal then the entire system would be structured radically differently, given what we know now through actual research. The real goal is ensuring that workers do not have ample time or energy to collectively organize. Make sure they don’t have the time to even think about anything else, and you ensure they damn sure don’t have the time to rebel. The other goal is ensuring there are a significant number of unemployed people in terrible enough conditions to make them desperate, but not so terrible that they are incapable of working. That way if s few stray workers get a bug up their ass about organizing and striking, there’s a reserve army of labor in the homeless and unemployed communities that can step in and scab.