Best sea shanty simulator of all time
Best sea shanty simulator of all time
Unironically I would not know whether to cheer or boo
Who would you honestly vote for who can win and stop the genocide?
They should never again be allowed to call themselves pro-life. They are anti-choice pro-death ghouls
Anti-choice is gaining more traction and is more accurate. Anti-choice or pro-death is more appropriate and logically consistent
War is peace.
And what happens to all the ones they don’t sell? You guessed it, dumpster. Probably call the cops on you if you try to pull one out too
Pretty soon if this shit goes through
Why anyone would believe a word out of any pigs mouth without seeing body cam footage is beyond me
Their user name is making me wonder if they’re a very subtle and clever novelty account
Just a light drizzle of terror