I’d suggest they know growth of the platforms is waning, if not going backwards, but if they create a heap of bots and call them “active users” then the share price won’t go down. That’s the only reason I can think of.
I’d suggest they know growth of the platforms is waning, if not going backwards, but if they create a heap of bots and call them “active users” then the share price won’t go down. That’s the only reason I can think of.
Firstly, Russians are inefficient and inept as fuck, Chinese are not.
Citation needed. The Chinese largely based their armed forces on the Russian model in a somewhat combined effort, so I suspect they’d be just as shit. It will be interesting to see how much of a fight Taiwan gives them.
On the second point I have no doubt Trump won’t intervene, however I do find it odd that Musk just finished fucking over the budget bill (whatever its name is) that would have helped fund chip manufacturing in the US just for them to simultaneously hand all Taiwanese chip manufacturing to China. It’s almost like they have no game plan…
Not that weird or hostile really, just a fair response to someone coming in and saying, “nah, this one” like an indecisive baby at a toy shop, with no reasoning or argument as to why their choice could be considered better.
Got it. It’s more to do with the case of an off-site backup in-case-your-house-burns-down scenario. Thanks.
RAID is not a backup anyhow
Can you expand on that? I have a 2-bay NAS with a RAID 1 (disk mirroring) set up precisely because I thought if one disk fails I have a backup. Is that not how it works?
I love how the “well regulated militia” just gets ignored. The intent of the second amendment is clear, but we’ve decided any old moron can keep and bear arms anyway.
I’m happy to pay a premium for convenience. Steam is a great product that saves me from having 20 different store-fronts clogging up my computer, most of which wouldn’t have proper Linux support. If developers don’t like Steam’s terms of use then don’t use it, and best of luck selling your game that nobody ever sees.
They have a concept of quitting.
This is something I really don’t get in the US. How is it that a judge in one state/area/circuit whatever can make a decision that affects the entire nation? Having a bunch of courts spread around the place that people can cherry pick from to get the result they want seems so arbitrary.
But on the plus side, dumb people actively infect themselves and get removed from the gene pool.
“Because fuck you, give me money” - AJ
I get so tired of these headlines that are basically “Authority figure says obvious thing”. Like, yeah, and so do most other people, thanks for the update.
War always favours the incumbent at election time, so the cynic in me thinks the US is dragging its feet quite purposely.
Can we just replace all headlines about this fuckhead with “Moral person with clue says Elon Musk is wrong, again”