Why would I give a shit about China knowing about where murderers are?
Why would I give a shit about China knowing about where murderers are?
I’de rather China have my data than an company over here. What are they gunna do with it that would affect me?
Except they aren’t trash, they’re better than Teslas that’s for sure.
Oh thank fuck. Finally some steps away from AI. It was starting to feel like everything was AI all the time.
Only five people at Microsoft gave enough fucks to protest. It should have been all of them. They should strike for fucks sakes.
I don’t like the weight of the steam deck. I like the form factor of the switch. I also like doing hardware mods. It’s fun to do.
I’m going to buy a switch two, which they usually sell the hardware for close to cost. Then I’m gonna leave it in the box and wait until a mod chip comes out that lets me play every game for free.
Could you not do BTC to XMR then to w.e else after that? And if youre donating you should do XMR to BTC.
I plan on buying just the console (which they usually lose money on anyways), and then leaving it in the box not connected to the Internet until a mod chip comes out.
I go to element picker and then I just delete the thing.
If it doesn’t fix the issue and let me scroll or whatever, then I just leave. If it works, then great.
Oh yay it’s not nyaa
Fuck, I wish I could’ve made it.
Are you vegan? I’m looking for a vegan roommate and I live downtown city of a hundred thousand and fifty ish.
I’m willing to marry any trans women for free.(I’m a fellow trans woman.)
“His” All he does is ketamine and buy-up companies that already exist. His workers have all the ambition, however misplaced.
It’s like a Linux version of Paint.net
Why not something like syncthing and then just use a text editor you like?
What mess? American Imperialism / Capitalism imploding on itself?