Also, a Supreme Court justice who has taken millions in bribes ruled that bribery is legal. It’s hard to have faith in the system when the nation’s highest court is rotten to the core.
Also, a Supreme Court justice who has taken millions in bribes ruled that bribery is legal. It’s hard to have faith in the system when the nation’s highest court is rotten to the core.
He has been on house arrest since 2020 after 9 years in prison and only had 2 years of house arrest left. His sentence was commuted but he wasn’t part of the pardons, so there’s no change to his status as a felon. All this means is they are removing his ankle monitor less than 2 years earlier than scheduled.
There are lots of people out there who think that inflation means how much prices have risen in some recent period of their memory. If something that cost $3 in 2018 is now $6 and you tell them inflation is at 2%, they will be completely bewildered as to how this can be true. There are also tons of people who don’t understand why deflation is bad or undesirable. If you can’t tell who is lying to you because you have no idea how the economy works, you’re just going to choose the one you remember as being better.
Federal Reserve Economic Data shows debt:GDP holding at 120% since spiking during the pandemic.
They should trade China all the cigars and rum they want for enough cheap solar and batteries to power the island.
The photo the DPRK released showed a fairly small drone with a triangular shape. It doesn’t look sufficiently large to fly all the way from the ROK to Pyongyang, drop some leaflets and return to the south, meaning they should have been able to recover the crashed drone. Also, if it were a civilian group, they usually take credit for the balloons they send and none have said anything about sending a drone to the north. It really seems like something might be going on internally and the DPRK is trying to blame whatever is happening on outside agitation.
It’s for the Korean market. It’ll get you from Seoul to the east coast on a single charge and there’s high-speed rail just about everywhere for your longer journeys. Perfectly fine for most people in such a small, densely-populated country.
If you really want to make a successful utilitarian line of EV trucks you need a DC V2L standard capable of delivering 10 kW or more. Maybe something like USB-C PD with communication lines reduced in number and the power wires bumped up to 10 or 8 gauge wire. That would enable you to make BLDC-powered truck accessories that perform better and are cheaper than gas-powered alternatives.
For example, a BLDC powered wood chipper with a 5 kW motor could chip branches up to 5” or 6” and, due to the nearly flat torque curve, it wouldn’t stall out and need to be unclogged like a gas-powered version. Log-splitters, post-hole diggers, saw-mills, etc. that are powered by small gas engines would all be vastly inferior to their EV-powered BLDC counterparts - both in price and performance.