Perhaps, but that is what I was told by my doctor for my area. Seems like she would know.
Perhaps, but that is what I was told by my doctor for my area. Seems like she would know.
That is really helpful to know. I don’t recall there being any MinuteClinics around here, but I’ll take a look for next time, thank you :)
I live in NYS. I had to pay $200+ out of pocket for the booster because my medical insurance would only cover vaccines administered by a doctor’s office, and the booster was only distributed to pharmacies. My medical insurance does not cover ANY prescriptions because apparently it’s an optional DLC now.
Only CVS and Walgreens were given the boosters too so they could set whatever price they wanted.
I don’t know a single other adult other than my partner that paid out for the booster because it was so expensive. If my immune system worked I could play roulette with vaccines too, but it doesn’t so I just continue to get my physical safety held hostage for more money.