It’s not the type of change people want. However if violent retribution is all that’s on offer it makes perfect sense that someone would eventually take that deal and that people would celebrate it.
It’s not the type of change people want. However if violent retribution is all that’s on offer it makes perfect sense that someone would eventually take that deal and that people would celebrate it.
I reject this notion that all businesses exist to exploit workers.
That’s because you don’t understand the basic economic principles under which businesses operate. You think value is created out of thin air and is not a product of human labor.
I know my own city has often invested in programs that weren’t really helping those it intended to help. From what I learned this past year, it’s striking how little government knows who is in need of what.
It’s almost like governments do not operate in the democratic interests of the civilian populations they govern…. So strange. I wonder why that could be?
Yeah and then you won’t be able to pay for housing built by other working class people and food grown by other working class people. Wait that’s weird. I can’t seem to find the billionaires in that equation. It’s almost like the needs of working class people could be met by… other working class people.
I was not aware media outlets were talking about how amazing and hardworking billionaires are. No. Do you have some examples?
Oh come on. If you really are in the room with billionaires at charitable events you know the press is often invited to write puff pieces about how generous they are.
Are you saying that wealthy people should not use their money to build hospitals or help dying kids?
I’m saying we shouldn’t let people undemocratically decide whether or not working class people build hospitals and treat dying kids. By advocating that billionaires hold that power you are literally siding against democracy. But hey I guess all those super yachts just need to be built. For the good of society right?
Where in your answer did you say. “Cuba has the most doctors per capita”? Because all I see is you trying to weasel your way out of answering directly. I mean like do you even understand how absurd you sound trying to relativize Cuba with Monaco?
That’s what your buddies want you to believe top maintain the class war.
What class war? All I see is a one sided massacre. This murder doesn’t event register on the scale of horror working class people are forced to endure daily.
Speak with the people who run it and fund the operation.
What makes you think I haven’t? I know you’re right when you say they aren’t just in for the PR. Billionaires love getting their egos stroked publicly at fundraisers, ribbon cuttings, or other “charity” events. These are such nauseating displays of narcissistic behavior. I’m sorry you’re too wrapped up in their emotional sob stories to have any reasonable perspective when you’re in the room with these people.
How can possible think billionaires are better stewards of the power bestowed upon them by their immense wealth than a democratic society entrusted with that same power would be?
It’s not me who’s out of touch it’s all you plebs! Don’t you understand the divine right of CEOs?!
It generates value.
It’s true! Value just springs forth into this world from the ether. It’s basically alchemy. No other more rational expiation for it.
What if I plan to create more products and need the extra revenue to invest in the new business opportunity?
What if I need my peasants to each give me a bit more grain this season because the plague killed half of them? What if I also need to feed my knights so I can conquer new territories? Why should those lousy peasants have a say in any of that?
No one is telling the good stories about good billionaires.
Omg this right here is so funny. You must be blind. Media outlets talk non stop about how amazing, smart, caring, and hardworking billionaires supposedly are.
Those who build hospitals, contribute to fighting childhood cancer, who support public schools and build homes for the homeless.
Oh right so do the billionaires actually pour the concrete? Do they administer the chemo to the kids with cancer? Do they put together assignments for students? Do they hammer the nails to frame the house they’re supposedly building? Because as I see it if all they’re doing is signing check then they really haven’t done anything for anyone. It’s just our fucked up society means all the people that actually do good in the world need the sign of from a billionaire. If you don’t have their approval but you still want to work for the benefit of all, tough luck. Rent is still due at the end of the month.
Charitable organizations are basically PR for billionaires. You’re just foolish enough not to realize that.
Do you have any idea how an economy actually works? Money doesn’t build buildings. It doesn’t treat sick patients. It doesn’t conduct medical research. People and their labor do all of that.
So many words and yet you didn’t answer the question.
CBT is useful as a way of addressing all sorts of issues someone might be dealing with. It’s very common for therapists today to incorporate aspects of CBT into their practice regardless of the client. It’s not just something used to treat severe mental illness.
What, specifically, do I need CBT for?
Ask yourself, are you happy arguing with some something this deep into a comment thread? Are you really getting anything out of it? Because if the answer is no but you find yourself still engaging, it’s probably worth talking to a therapist about.
CBT helps plenty of people live happier and healthier lives. You don’t actually need to be diagnosed with any mental illness to find it useful.
I actually recommend going to someone who specializes in CBT and not psychoanalysis. That said if the latter is all that’s available to you it’s generally better than nothing.
I’m not important. Feel free to ignore me if that’s what you really want.
I think it’s generally good practice to go see a therapist every once in awhile if you can afford it and even if you feel fine. I’m not trying to diagnose you and therapists don’t really do that either. But yes, seeing the way you’ve interacted with me and others I think is enough for me to give you that advice.
Again, it seems like you have a really vague notion of what value actually is which is what makes you incapable of understanding the concept of labor exploitation. You need to understand the difference between marginal theories of value, which is defined by a circular logic where price determines value and value determines price, and labor theories of value, where people interact with the material world to modify it in some way that gives it added utility.
It’s not that simple. You can be an employer and not exploit the people that work for you. However, doing that means you will not have a profitable business. Profits come from exploitation. Please understand that when I use the word exploitation I’m not making an inherently moral argument about whether exploitation is good or bad. Exploitation is simply a material phenomena. I believe it only becomes a moral issue when undue suffering occurs as a result of said exploitation.
He might be. Small business are often some of the most exploitive workplaces because of how unprofitable they can be. It’s not uncommon for a small business to be forced into situations where they really have no choice but to exploit their staff if they want to continue operating. This is why so many restaurants in the US rely on undocumented immigrants who they can pay less than the minimum wage. It’s a flaw in the way our economy works.
This happens to a lot of people in industries where profitability declines. When profits are high, workers in those industries often get paid that they can afford their basic needs. However, as profits wane investors look to bolster them by taking more from their employees. What’s happening in the tech sector is a prime example of such a phenomenon. Unfortunately, this is a tendency that’s baked into the our economy. It prevents long term sustainable from being achieved in industries that are key to our economy but where the opportunities for new markets or innovations are lacking.
Have you thought that maybe you’re the one who’s more confident that you really should be? I get that a lot of what I’ve said may contradict vague notions about how the economy works that you may have absorbed simply because you exist within a world steeped in corporate propaganda. However, your beliefs are not ones that any worthwhile economist would take seriously.