sudo apt install firefox
This is all that needs to be said.
sudo apt install firefox
This is all that needs to be said.
You can be a dual citizen and be living outside of the US and still vote. You can be an American citizen who has never lived in America and vote. It’s not about permanent residency at all.
A regular smile is shown a lot in the eyes. The eyes are dead and hollow in this picture
Like others have said, running a DE with remote capabilities will be a lot of overhead.
If you set up portainer and watchtower using ssh, you can pretty much just manage everything from portainer while watchtower makes sure that portainer and the rest of your containers stay updated. It’s a very hands-off operation, especially if you set up auto updates on top of that for the pi OS. You’ll probably just have to ssh in periodically to run a system upgrade and maybe restart to update the kernel.
Can you explain that one then because I’m really not seeing what you’re saying.
Cups takes some playing with to get right but once you have it setup and saved, the thing should work whenever
With a caveat on the shield. It’s still android TV so ideally you put your own OS on it if you’re worried about that kind of thing.
I know someone whose life is made substantially worse because they have a lack of access to healthcare. They live in Europe and can’t get access to the specialized medicine that they need in the timeframe that they need it in. I’m not saying that socialized medicine is bad—I’m actually all for it—but it needs to be implemented well for it to actually work. This is just my anecdotal evidence to say that just because everyone has access doesn’t automatically mean it’s adequate access.
Lol go to Korea and see all the other consumer facing stuff. LG shampoo if you want.