I can’t be the only one that has had issues with game pass, can I? I’ve tried it 3 separate times for 2-3 months each on three different PCs, and every time I’ve had different issues.
The windows client has been buggy. Sometimes clicking things just… doesn’t work. The pathing for save files is done in such a way that you can’t transfer them from PC to PC. Some games just straight up not working. The list went on for me. I figured I’d keep giving it another try on a new system, but not anymore.
I’ve read some people have absolutely zero issues after years of using it. I wonder why the experiences vary so highly from user to user. Game Pass was an interesting service, but a horrible experience for me.
All of those are due to the drastic increase in jobs during covid. This is happening in many, many tech related careers. It is not because of inclusivity. Get your head out of your ass.