Grammar and now even spelling correction are increasingly unable to match my written style. Especially when I decide to play with my language.
Grammar and now even spelling correction are increasingly unable to match my written style. Especially when I decide to play with my language.
Unfortunately not the case with calculators. Lots of triple font learn thr math they ask a machine to do for them
Oh, nice username. Almost got me there
You mean people who haven’t been taught to write quickly, easily, and with their own style tend to look to automate writing faster than those who write better than ai, can do so quickly, and have the proficiency to see it as a form of self expression?
Shocked I tell you. Also not surprised AI researchers are surprised
Oh we’re going to get embargoed
Nobody married to president sheinbaum would be boring
$5 USB fob for printing
Ain’t Alberta east of the rockies?
And yeah I was under the impression that the grain was from Louisiana (rice) and the rocky rain shadow (wheat). I know here in the Mississippi basin we’re mostly sticking to growing corn and soy as livestock feed
Yeah here in the Midwest my area lost power due to the polar vortex around the winter solstice a few years back. Did it suck? Yeah. But towels under doors, ready to eat food, candles, and lots of blankets made it merely unpleasant. You absolutely should have supplies for situations like that. At some point I’d also like to keep drinking water supplies. Your emergency preparedness kit is generally best to keep at “bearable” levels for a few days. The goal is to ride it out, not to experience full comfort.
Wait are yall a major wheat and rice producer?
Yes, but you’re gonna want to live in El Paso. Otherwise you’re in bumfuck nowhere next to Oklahoma, Louisiana, or Arkansas. New and old Mexicos are much better neighbors
I have no idea. We don’t get enough of you for it to be a thing we really talk about
Even if it’s less efficient than better treatment of the workforce
Not sheer luck, but because she’s german. Germans haven’t been mass migrating to America since the 60s at the latest and her detention is a change from the norm of us mostly only doing this to Latin Americans, Caribbean folks, Middle Easterners, and Africans
Moscow meanwhile will not reciprocate
Cleveland too actually
You mind drawing it a bit south actually
Never let them pay for a drink
Plains sign language, the first language to be a unifying language of differing people in this area.
Or asl which is the only colonial language to be American
Just keep it in mind when some of us start needing to flee. Some of us just want to be safe from the fascists and to work together with our neighbors around the world in a cooperative way.