A source for this claim might help your case.
reddit refugee
Same capital as: https://piefed.social/u/capital
Not trying to evade any bans. Just trying out PieFed.
A source for this claim might help your case.
Just as soon as people quit pissing on it.
I supposedly go to work in a building with other adults.
Before we elected Trump, I would have said rest a little easier thinking about the amount of money the US spends on defense and that we’d be coming to back any NATO member if Putin fucks around but now… I don’t know.
I would argue for the exact opposite of that tho.
If you want to stop Russia, isn’t joining NATO a good thing?
NATO membership is voluntary.
Choosing the better of two options too difficult logic for many, I guess.
You can lead a horse to water.
“I think the biggest problem is that your messaging to Arab Americans can’t just be ‘Trump’s a fascist, Trump is Hitler. Big, scary orange man, vote for me.’ Part of being a part of the American political system is being able to separate yourself from your opponent and lay out a better vision. And she did not do that,” Abdelrahman said.
Hey, maybe in 2028 the Dem candidate can run on repealing the national abortion ban. That feels like more than saying, “I WON’T enact a national abortion ban”. Yayyyy /s
“He at least, at least came and spoke to the Muslims. He heard them and said, ‘OK, I will finish. I will end the war in Middle East,’ even if he didn’t say, you know, a genocide, but he said he will bring peace,” she said. “And that’s what the people wanted to hear, and that’s why he got the votes.”
“Just lie to us at least”. Fuck me…
Trump ultimately ended up carrying Dearborn, a majority Arab American city in Michigan, by more than 6 percentage points — a massive swing from Biden’s nearly 40 point win there in 2020. But most Dearborn voters also voted against Trump, who got about 43% support in a deeply split field.
Guess you’re not in Dearborn.
I wonder if these people just don’t think Trump is that great a threat or still haven’t figured out how FPTP voting works yet.
Yeah, yeah. People said this leading up to the election to. The plain logic of “we’re getting one of these two” didn’t seem to click with many, you included.
I’m a cis white male who makes pretty damn good money so in all likelihood I’ll be fine. That surely won’t be the case for many. I tried. /shrug
So you’re saying it’s ok to trust those cloud providers
What kind of trust are you referring to? I trust that they take great pains to protect their cloud customer’s data. CGP is not Google Search is not Google advertising.
Do I trust them to do the right thing environmentally? No. Geopolitically? No. But let’s not get these all confused. They do support surveillance tech but surreptitiously mining their cloud customer’s data has the potential to sink their entire business overnight.
yandex is about 2% of our total cost, to put things into perspective
I encourage subscribers to check out this thread and weigh in.
Oh they only didn’t know whether they wanted to better or worse option. Still pretty goddamn stupid.
You seem to be under the impression that all discussions between the two countries happened in public. Do I have that right?
Maybe electing someone unlikely to restrain them at all while simultaneously making shit worse in the US and Ukraine, doing a 180 on what little climate progress we’ve made, making abortion illegal nationwide, and reducing/ending social security will help.
and you say, “If you ever treat me like that again, I will leave you,”
Finish the analogy to better fit this issue. You leave your partner for a MORE abusive partner. Why?
Just acknowledge that we were always getting one of two options. This isn’t confusing in the slightest.
To extend the analogy used in the comment starting this thread, it’s like leaving your abusive partner to live with a more abusive partner.
Why the ever loving fuck would you choose the worse option?
A jury could just find him not guilty on that one count but guilty on all others. Not seeing how it weakens any other part of the case.
For the 1st one:
So that others don’t have to go read it to find out, LUTS is Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. Right off the bat, if you don’t have a LUTS, this doesn’t appear to apply to you. Further, it even says there was no statistical significance for those with LUTS or healthy men.
The conclusion:
For the 2nd, I didn’t get past the title:
This seems to be about female bladders. I could be wrong here but I do think we were talking about males standing to pee. The words “sitting”, “standing”, and “male” make no appearance in the study.
This is a strange topic to have such a strong opinion about to have no good proof for.