Hey Taliban, here’s an idea: ban eyes for men, problem solved.
Hey Taliban, here’s an idea: ban eyes for men, problem solved.
I thought it meant granular modification as in rice grains.
how do people need this explained to them?
How do you need a simple concept like a backup explained to you? All while being smug…
deleted by creator
Maybe the children who will lose their jobs in the mines can now just sell their blood for the rich to sprinkle on their diamonds.
Thx! I was about to reply, I can now do something enjoyable instead.
You need a better definition of „they“. Because I don’t buy from Epic for one particular reason, so they (Epic) don’t get my money. If the game is good and I want to play it I will do so later and at that point the developer still deserves my money.
The Deck can play first party Nintendo titles ;3 *
Also backups. I don’t know if anything has changed in the last few years but when i had a Switch I tried to back up my save files to an external drive. As far as I can remember it wasn’t possible ootb, only the option to transfer to a new Switch. Which, pun intended, made me switch to a Steam Deck and I couldn’t be happier (except for 1st party Nintendo titles of course)
I’ve been waiting for them to update the hardware of the Omni’s but they are taking their sweet time.
As it stands I won’t buy a router for that price that is like 5 or 6 years old (or even older?)
We are changing the climate at an accelerated pace that’s never been seen before.
He said, right after mentioning a catastrophic meteor impact.
He probably meant PM which stands for private message.
It’s a real shame we can’t do multiple things at the same time. /s
Since everything seems to be going downhill right now, how would I harness that power? You telling me the crystal peddling influencers were right all along? 🤣
I don’t understand. You think Factorio is visually not pleasing but Mindustry is? Are you for real?
I wonder where I’ve heard that before but I have NO fucKIng ideA. (I’m just being cryptic for fun)
Have been using it on the side for a couple of weeks now and it’s pretty nice. Hope they don’t fuck it up, I could see myself using it as my main browser in the future.
You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have mice with frickin’ laser beams attached to their crotches!
Seriously. There is no need to be patient with moms or anyone not „understanding“ Signal. It’s the same thing as WhatsApp just with a different coat of paint when it comes to using it.
I did exactly what you did. And lo and behold my mom is now using Signal to message me.