If it’s outrage, then that’s exactly what you’ll get
I don’t know how fix this, but this is one of the things a good algorithm needs to prevent. Outrage does get my attention - but it isn’t where I want my attention.
If it’s outrage, then that’s exactly what you’ll get
I don’t know how fix this, but this is one of the things a good algorithm needs to prevent. Outrage does get my attention - but it isn’t where I want my attention.
Algorithms done right are useful. Make sure things that are likely important to be bubble to the top. I don’t have time to read/watch it all, so prioritize the important things for me.
Done right is the hard part. It is too easy to prioritize memes that make people angry even though if you really investigate you discover that while there is a little truth it is grossly exaggerated and whoever is being mocked isn’t that stupid - because things that make people mad tend to get attention.
The algorithm really needs a “there is plenty more but you have seen all the important stuff - go outside and do something” after I’ve seen what is important. Of course it then needs a “but I’m currently confined to a hospital bed so just show me something so I’m not bored out of my mind”. The likes of facebook of course cannot allow such a thing as once you stop scrolling their ad revenue is gone. However that is what the world needs.
Give me reasons to stay. I ret really annoyed by all the garbage my friends share and thus how little value you provide. give me value and I’ll stay. Simple as that.
One of each. There is a small chance that drives made in the same factory will fail at exactly the same time for the same reason when used in RAID 1. While this probably won’t happen (if it does it would be in the first month and you will hear about others with the same failures), why risk it. Besides you want hard drive makers to stay in business - all hard drives will crash in the future, the only question is when.
I didn’t take my advice for a RAID I built years ago. I just placed the order (one hour ago) to replace a WD red with a Seagate. God only knows when the next drive will fail. I’ve overall been fine, but I only have one disk redundancy in my zfs system until Thursday.
Unions in the us have ruined any interest in joining. Other countries have different imblementations. If I could start from scratch but laws favor the existing taking over.
Unfortunately janky media files seem to be the rule.
If it is rare enough and you don’t have an emergency that is the right thing. Odds are the rest of your city doesn’t have the ability to deal with those temperatures and so you going out will make things harder for emergency workers who must get out. If your city deals with this often then everyone will know how to deal with it and expect you to deal with it. You cannot shutdown your life for something that happens every single year, but if it is just a day or two every 5 years it isn’t worth being knowing how to deal with it other than the minimum emergency needs (that is make sure your HVAC system at home can handle it)
You still need resistive heat as heatpumps don’t work below about -20C and those temperatures happen to at least some car buyers.
No. Federation means I’m on a mbin serner and still interacting with lemmy. If a community goes big there is no way to enforce who goes to which split.
You can maybe stretch that 4 hours to several days. However you must get enough solar in 4 hours to provide more than 1 day of use. You will probably get to 6-8 hours of production from your panels, but the production is reduced in the off hours and there are almost always a few clouds reducing your output even at peak times so until proved otherwise just count on 4 hours. (prove can be several years worth of data, or careful local climate calculation possibly with various devices to handle the sun moving)
How reliable do you need to be - https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/ often goes offline because there wasn’t enough sun to keep their servers up - would this be acceptable for your servers? (you should spend a lot of time on that website when it is up - it will teach you more than anyone else here)
Will you allow yourself to plug in the backup if there isn’t much sun for a few days (either yourself or some automatic system) - just the ability to go 20 hours on battery and enough solar to recharge the battery in 4 hours on a sunny day would get most people to 90% solar and will be a lot cheaper than chasing to 100% solar all the time - but that might not be good enough for you.
The general rule of thumb if you never can go down is you need to be able to run for 2 weeks without any sun, and enough solar to then recharge those batteries when there is 4 hours of full sun. Of course the weather where you live makes a difference. If you live in the desert your worst possible day will always be followed by a day where you can completely recharge the battery so you need much less batteries; while those who live in arctic locations will not get any sun for a couple months and so need a lot more storage.
Do you mean just Lemmy, or do you also want users from mbin or others fediverse instances that can access lemmy discussions?
There is a point where a forum is too active and you need to either split it or implement weird and complex rules so things don’t get too large.
Noise is another issue of course but energy is what will kill faster trains for forever
Wind resistance is a problem at speed which is why production trains rarely go faster. Airplanes at altitude see much less win resistance. (hyperloop would also be good but will never be reasonable to build even if the engineering challenges are overcome)
I don’t want to hold a tablet up to my ear, and I want the privacy from holding my phone to my ear (vs a speaker phone)
I’m sure a counter example exists, but I’ve been around for year and not seen it yet. Though I’ll accept that the exception probably exists.
They don’t hurt, but they still do not feel nice.
I find the same on the left wing. Everytime I put out a slightly right wing position I get attacked and a ton of down votes.
Every time anyone mentions on Lemmy right wing positions it is with only to attack a strawman version that is very removed from what most right wing people think/do.
Until a line breaks and you discover it costs money to have someone fix it. Or a router gets attacked be someone evil and now you don’t have internet. Or … There are a lot of costs to running internet.
I don’t know how the costs compare to what AT&T is charging. I doubt you do either.