Aren’t school libraries typically a bit more resource constrained? I attended a smaller school though, so I don’t have a perfect view of the norm.
Aren’t these separate issues? I won’t pretend to know much about this, but it does seem like some companies are taking advantage of H-1B employees.
What was it doing there in the first place?
Yep. This article explains the problem well:
Tariffs have an overall negative effect on the US. Not only will products become more expensive (domestically produced and imported), the dollar will also strengthen, reducing exports to other countries. It’s a lose-lose situation.
Yeah it’s not an easy task
This is what blew my mind. I thought this was all obvious, and that people understood there was simply no pro-Palestine option on the table.
Sometimes the available options aren’t what you want, but I also think it better to make non-emotional decisions about candidates where possible.
Even Trump and Musk have kids - doesn’t make either one less of a dirt bag.
I understand what you mean. The horror stories made us very wary, and we asked a lot of questions before feeling confident that we were talking about an entirely different experience.
I’m on the fence here, but I think this might be an oversimplification. One of their key challenges was inability to communicate, and it was grossly affecting their happiness. Young children should never be that sad and depressed. Parents have to infer a lot of information, and this increases by several orders of magnitude with ASD children.
We’re obviously pro-autism, as pretending someone’s brain chemistry is not real benefits no one. ABA has helped overcome mole hills before they become mountains.
We kept hearing this as well, but our personal experience has been the opposite. I think ABA therapy has changed dramatically over the years and shouldn’t be generalized as such. ABA seeks to understand behavior and includes that which is unseen. Specific therapists have certainly been problematic over the years though.
“We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – there is no place for hate in a democracy.
Trump is getting rid of that democracy problem
Can’t blame them - I would try to get out of SC too
Private prisons also saw a huge bump in stock prices. GEO Group is up a shocking 26% this morning and CoreCivic—once known as Corrections Corporation of America—is up 20%.
Wow. A lot of people know what’s coming and don’t give a damn.
Hell, we already wouldn’t be here without them.
Just look at that word salad. I bet getting dressed is a real struggle for him
I currently use Gnome on my laptop, but I’ve toyed with returning to KDE for a while. I used KDE briefly back in the v3 and v4 days felt like it was a bit bloated compared to Gnome v1 and v2. Cinnamon is nice but a bit heavyweight on graphics. I should probably return to XFCE or Mate.
Yep - it’s one of the reasons Miami sees so much Trump support.
Although it is common to use churches as temporary polling places, I wonder how much ballots may be influenced by the location.
I haven’t read the entire article, but this raises some interesting points:
Out of curiosity, I searched for China’s approach and found that they banned children bringing phones to school without written parental consent.
I’m still figuring out where I stand, but I’m not sure I disagree. School shooters have been linked to high social media use. I wonder if a ban could help at all in this regard.
On a side note, I don’t really see how banning cell phones could be interpreted as punishment. If anything, it should help reduce apparent disparities and avoid punishment for inappropriate use