There have been growing criticisms of him coming from the left for a bit now on how some of his tendencies to diffuse situations learns more towards liberalism than leftism. This isn’t an outright attack on him or to say he’s moving rightward overall. I need to watch this video again but I think this is the one that touches on a bunch of the points, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hCxHvogsTY
From a comment on the video, “Jon Stewart made me a liberal as a child, adulthood made me a leftist.”
If you like Jon Stewart I’m not trying to say you shouldn’t. But as someone who has continually been moving left, I do feel more distance from him than I used to is all.
Hey, fair. I know the overall political left has always been plagued with infighting and purity testing. I’d like to at least do my part in bridging the gap between leftists and liberals by not getting in your face about not panicking over this shit if you’ll still allow me the same space to entertain my concern without calling me hysterical. Deal?