Space station 14 - 265 hours
Elite: Dangerous - 265 hours
Space station 14 doesn’t show up because it is a play test
Space station 14 - 265 hours
Elite: Dangerous - 265 hours
Space station 14 doesn’t show up because it is a play test
I’m not 100% sure but I think it’s someone who goes mad and doesn’t shut up about foss when someone mentions proprietary software (like minecraft)
I had the opposite problem building mine, if I tried to cable manage* I couldn’t close the case because there was too much slack
*hiding all the cables in the back panel
It’s because it happened when msfs released in 2020, and they have an easy solution… use steam/regular xbox download servers instead of the servers not designed for this kind of stress
Just happened again, no errors in the network manager log. I am running an up to date version of raspberry pi os. The only bare metal program I am running is pihole, the rest are in docker. I’ll send a list of the containers when I can.
There’s a reason it’s launching on the switch despite being a sony ip. It is a very different target market to the majority of steam players
What engine do you use? Some automatically convert kb+m to controllers so developers need to do a lot less
They renamed themselves to atari after buying atari
This is a large part of it. But there is also other people who have put the minimum amount or no money into it and just want a cool space game and also want the developers to not be pressured into rushing updates out (they were once and it was unplayable for a month). I am not defending the sketchy stuff cig have done, they really need to look at how they manage this game and their business, I would have gladly put more than the bare minimum into the game if they didn’t charge so much for everything beyond the first purchase (about £35) but they do too much wrong for me to support it any more than I have
The navy pays $9million a year for xp updates
Is the large systemic change starting the development of a sequel for a game that recently turned 8 years old?
Can’t say right now, the factory must grow.
This definitely, vr is a lot of fun, especially with friends (in the game or sharing a headset while we all sit in the same room). But it isn’t worth setting it all up (especially if it is pcvr) when I could just play one of the 100s of pancake games I have collected over the years.
Today they announced that it was cut down to 5 and they will slowly work their way back up to 100 after launch (whenever that is)
5 years later: Ooh, preorders for episode 2 are open!!
Fun fact: If you take the year, add two, you’ll get the current planned release date for sq42
This isn’t dependent on the current year
Mainly Harmony, I like low pop MRP and the players+admins are nice