I don’t think anyone expected them to seed on purpose but its not inconceivable that they’d accidentally let some seeding through, or not consider it in the first place.
I don’t think anyone expected them to seed on purpose but its not inconceivable that they’d accidentally let some seeding through, or not consider it in the first place.
I’m a “code monkey” and never once expected anyone to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. You seem jaded at the c suite and taking it out on hypothetical devs.
I have no doubts that there is a good portion of people who work programming jobs who are also assholes, but am I in a bubble or something? Why would your average dev ridicule a coal miner? Miners work fucking hardcore jobs and deserve every penny of compensation and then some.
Yeah, I figure as much. Gross gross gross
What kind of asshole celebrates mass layoffs? What the fuck
White men are the most underrepresented demographic, notoriously
Just hope this game can rise above the anti woke mob. Saw them flooding the trailer comments section because finally! A game that has a white man in it! Woke cdpr would never!
With the utmost respect - if your music reaches enough people its going to end up on YouTube like it or not, especially under a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0. But I respect not wanting to endorse the platform yourself.
I hope EA crashes and burns and that all the IP they gobbled up and/or murdered can be free from its clutches
I think genuinely yeah. 2 built on 1 iirc. 3 is sort of its own thing insofar as the overall story arc
I try to forget but it haunts me
The witcher 3 can be played with a great experience even with no background on the series!
Isn’t this at least the second time Seagate have been caught out selling used hardware as new?
I’m absolutely heartbroken but I respect their decision and it sounds like the appropriate way forward
Celeste came out of their approach before - I’m sure more incredible games can come out of this approach again.
I’m just deeply not a fan of the roguelite approach, the first game was so beautifully hand crafted and had tight, intentional gameplay. Roguelite as a subgenre doesnt really allow for this since randomness is part of the core design philosophy.
No arguments here
I wouldn’t, and I don’t think most people would, consider being in hibernation mode or sleep mode as “on”. Sure, it will add to your uptime, but like its a demonstrably different power state.
Mm, fair if you are running some task while you’re not “actively” using the PC. Although given the general sentiment of people in the replies, the leading reason is “I’m lazy” or “its convenient”.
Eh, like that’s fair its personal preference but the energy waste of just having your PC idle is just weird to me. (Folding@home is totally reasonable)
I try not to - bougie SV devs are bougie and SV :P