While I agree with you in theory (because you’re completely correct with your point), these people also do horrible acts on a global scale daily. We’re at the point where either they go, or we all do.
While I agree with you in theory (because you’re completely correct with your point), these people also do horrible acts on a global scale daily. We’re at the point where either they go, or we all do.
Translated from an indoctrinated North Korean? For sure. It’d probably make a lot more sense in native Korean than it does as translated text.
Thank you for literally being the first person I’ve ever seen online that actually seems to know what Warren stands for. Not exaggerating even in the slightest, either.
She could’ve been president, back when it would’ve mattered.
There are a lot of dudes working for the fucking Russians too.
Speaking of Richochet and love reminds me of a guy I halfway knew in my youth. He had the bright idea to jerk off a quick one in the middle of a LAN party (I know, right?). After he inevitably got caught (despite being somewhat secluded) he alt tabbed from whatever grainy porn clip he had up straight into Ricochet just as he… well ya know.
He never came to another LAN party again, but 20+ years later he’s still known as the guy who jerked off to Richochet.
You’re not biased. You’re completely correct.
Your opinions are certainly grounded in reality at least. It’s refreshing to read something sensible for a change.
Thank you, sounds interesting.
You want me to be civil towards Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson et. al.?
I say fuck that, and fuck them.
The only media you seem to consume is Fox News and whatever that fat fucks podcast is called. They think they’re smart, too, just like you.
Again, I agree in theory, but it has only been used in bad faith before. These guys are going to utterly destroy the very planet that sustains us.
There’s a difference.