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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 12th, 2023


  • I’ve been saying this for so long. Don’t get me wrong, some films do make sense to have sex scenes. But there are so many that either have hardcore (for TV) sex scenes or just random full nudity that makes it nearly impossible to watch with anyone other than my partner or close friends.

    Like if I recommend a film or show to someone and completely forget that it had sex or even just nudity in it, it usually wasn’t important to the story. On the other hand, it may have made sense to include in the film but it was so terribly done that I promptly blocked it out.

    The other issue is that it has become increasingly difficult to find any shows that either don’t include sex scenes, or don’t have ridiculous levels of violence, or whatever else is difficult for me to deal with when I just want something easy to watch that’s not a kid’s movie (although kid’s movies have their own set of issues).

    Streaming services don’t even make it easy to find something to watch - they show you the same stuff over and over, or they pretend that everything is in English when they include so many other languages in the selections. If I am unable to pay attention to the captions then I would prefer to have something in English without trying a bunch of different shows first. I mean I guess this is partly (mainly?) my fault since I’ve failed to learn another language despite years of studying. But I think it just irritates me that they lie about it more than anything.

    Idk I am off topic now and this has turned into a really long comment that probably doesn’t say anything that hasn’t already been said in this thread.

  • It will always blow my mind that the <$950 people on SSI get every month is somehow supposed to sustain them. I’m lucky that I get SSDI but even though I’m making 1.5x the SSI benefit, I’m still drowning in expenses. And I can’t do any work or I risk losing my income. I wish they’d just let me work a couple hours a month with zero risk to being kicked off disability. It would save so much money in their other benefit pots that I do qualify for.

    But yay, so glad they’re using realistic math to determine an appropriate cost of living adjustment. That 2.5% will go a long way - I could afford the gas to drive to the doctor 2 extra times! Or I could buy 4 bananas! The possibilities are endless.

  • It’s been fun. I’ve had it for a few months and I love it. Currently trying to figure out why my PDFs get corrupted and how to fix it - I’m pretty sure it has to do with signatures but not completely sure. The other thing is that I was having trouble figuring out how to hibernate my computer, so it was sleeping all the time (except when off or in use), but then one day it just started hibernating. Not sure how that happened.

    I chose Fedora with the KDE desktop and it’s great. I’m not entirely sure I understand the differences in the desktop choices but it works for me for now.

    I’m trying to get my partner to switch but they’re worried about it not being compatible with/not being able to find suitable replacements for certain Windows software used for work. So basically I just need to get better with Linux before they switch lol