I had a similar issue, running Mint.
It took me a while, but I tracked it to a buggy firmware on the nvme SSD (WD black 4000). Once I updated the firmware, all the stability issues disappeared.
If your system in under heavy disk load when the issue appears, take a look at your SSD firmware.
Hybrid is best.
I use the GUI quite a lot.
But some things are just easier in CLI, especially if you have to do that thing often.
The other reason to use the command line is automation, it is very easy to write a bash script and run it as often as needed, if every day at midday you want to update something CLI is much easier.
e.g everyday at 2am, my rsync script runs to backup my important files.
e.g 2, I have a small script to combine all the pdf’s in the current directory into a single file using pdftk. It is so much faster than any graphical way.