Yes, that too. Since I was doing the God comparison, he’s Loki
Him saying it would be “fun to watch” clearly shows how he just sees politics as entertainment. He’s god and the world is his theatre.
I say that too, at time. This is not such a time.
Rich, white South African is pro Apartheid … what a shock!
My work started demanding the same. I can’t do more than 2 days, because my wife works 3 days and we’ve got to do something with the kids. Two days is what I’ve been doing since I started working there 3 years ago. Luckily they won’t be enforcing it for now. I’m bound to them until summer at least. That’s when I plan on finishing my bachelor that they paid for. I love my job, but this (and the bad pay) is forcing me to start looking for something else ASAP.
I haven’t been to America either
Really? It feels worse than Russia.
It’s a pretty normal thing to do. If you’re just living your life like you’re supposed to, doing your job like your supposed to and listening to the news like you’re supposed to. Than you don’t know any better than to turn in a wanted criminal when you see him, because you trust the state and the police to be good and do the right thing. You can’t blame them for being perfectly conditioned by the multi billion dollar machine of the state, because it’s not an easy thing to escape.
Do I though? My TV still works fine and isn’t smart and I don’t feel like I’m missing anything
I don’t even notice a real difference between 1080p and 4k. I bever watch 4k. For some shows, like stupid sitcoms, I still accept 720p, because it’s less than 1gb.
You poor thing. Thoughts and prayers
Of course the story is made prettier. That seems to be the overall vibe of this website in general and it’s what companies. But there is truth in it. MB has opened a new recycling plant in which they’ve dumped a lot of research money in cooperation with a few other companies as well as the German government. That all sounds hopeful. If not exactly 96%, at least it’s a good precedent. Maybe they’ll start an arms race which company can claim the best recycling rate.
It’s legal somewhere
I like to think I know how to use a computer, but I mostly use my phone for private stuff. I have a few things running on my PC, but they’re all online now in my local network and they have a mobile website through which I interact with them. Even my TV runs a frontend for things on my computer. Computer stuff has become an even broader spectrum of devices and skills than it used to be 20 years ago.
That is concerning, but Internet Explorer used to be the only option too. Of course things are different now, but I have faith (for lack of anything else).
NewPipe exclusively. YouTube has been unusable long before I fully moved back to FireFox.
I tried YouTube in Chrome on desktop (for about 2 minutes) and I didn’t notice any difference. I’ll just keep using NewPipe on my phone though.
I know. My experience with Chrome used to be good too. And we all know what’s up now.
If Firefox fucks up, I’m fine with abandoning ship and moving on to the next thing. I’m not sure what that would be, but I’m sure I’ll figure that out once we get there.
I’ve been been a full time Firefox user for three years now. Haven’t experience a single problem like that. Haven’t really experienced any problem at all to be honest
perpetually within the next 10 years