you probably ly don’t suck you just haven’t practiced learning the content blind. it’s a skill set of its own
the last raid sucks specially this late in the tier. my advice is to practice until you get to phase 2 and then start looking for a clear group online, probably using discord
if you don’t look for a group you will likely spend the next few dozen pulls getting griefed by PF
I was extremely lucky and found a 7/8 static when I came around phase 2, I listened to my friends advice to find a group and I locked in with them thext day to clear
so I’m passing that advice to you now
I can tell you how I learned linux. be prepared to cringe.
I installed Linux before going to school, I figured that if I used Linux as my main OS I would be less tempted to dick around and play games
I eventually found a coop part time job as a dev. I used my own Linux machine, and being the star eyed young person I was I used arch.
this is the cringe part:
I learned systemd, Linux kernel modules, dkpg, obviously more familiarity with bash and shell stuff
so moral of the story is… dive in?