Can we set up a bot to look up billions of random character combinations and put them out of business when they buy them all and can’t sell them?
Can we set up a bot to look up billions of random character combinations and put them out of business when they buy them all and can’t sell them?
I’m sure they were told by their supervisors to do this. These people don’t fart without permission from above them. Take it from someone holding his farts.
Privacy, information security, democracy. Others too, I’m sure.
Probably not, but he’d have an opportunity to replace him with someone at least as bad. So, you never know.
Awesome! I’ll take a look there.
That Oaxaca cheese knot sounds amazing! Anyone know if Sam’s has something similar? We don’t have a CostCo near me.
Huzzah! I’m not stingy with the cheese, btw. Havarti plain, with dill, and with jalapenos for everyone!
What’s wrong with a cart full of cheese? I haven’t bulk bought cheese in my adult life, but I have bought several bars and several bags of shredded cheese at the same time. I’d do it again, too!
Also, do we know the specific wording? The wording of the questions around it? Those can have a significant impact on the answers.
I needed more medication to numb than he thought–way more. Don’t be afraid to speak up. Otherwise, the process was easy. I had discomfort for longer than he said, but that’s just how my body is. Two years later, I still have some discomfort doing certain things (not common things), but again that’s how my body is. That is how it is for some people, and I am just one of those few unlucky people. I have the ability to sense painful things greater than most and the ability to tolerate that pain more than most. It was still worth it. My wife and I were done having children and now we don’t have to worry about any surprises.
You don’t know the consequences of this CEO’s murder. Only a short time has passed. It may inspire a string of murders targeting unethical leaders scaring people from taking those positions and making unethical decisions or, perhaps, an entire revolution. Maybe it inspires nothing. It has definitely lead to some additional conversations, and I think that is a good start.
Murder is wrong. Punishment without trial is wrong. Denying critical benefits and putting people into crippling debt in search of profits is wrong. Someone did one wrong thing to stop other wrong things. We’ll see where it leads.
And seize his American assets.
He’s the vomit that shit vomits when it smells itself.
Agreed. Clogging up our news cycle with B.S.
Any idiot with Adobe Acrobat can do that. It shouldn’t delay anything.
They pass it on to someone else’s kids.
Honestly, I don’t even feel it’s that bad to do. Is it a naturally occurring pile, no, but unless he’s taking perfectly good stuff from unscathed buildings, it’s still hurricane debris. The only problem in my eyes is that the effort spent piling debris could have been used to actually restore the location. So, I’m with the folks who say he should have found a place they were already piling stuff as part of the cleanup mission.
Wasn’t he their boss last time?
This is what he sees while tripping on acid. In reality he was naked and is now wrapped in newspaper and has a rusty colander on his head. He is actually collecting mushrooms with a plastic knife, though.