It’s like reddit, but I don’t have to feel icky.
given up looking for replacements
Return to the office empowers the cartels.
Far-Right Extremists Are LARPing as Emergency Workers in Los Angeles
…when the Undertaker threw Mankind off hеll in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer’s table.
you gotta keep ’em separated
Wow, a new version of Lunar Lander!
antisocial media
… and not very cash money of them.
Fat Upper Mexico Area
The page should just be a list of steps to switch. Each step should have very specific resources listed for if that step goes wrong. It should not give options. It should just have one distro, and say exactly what to install.
I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have something at the top listing a few scenarios where you’d have to stick with Windows.
Might dissuade people, but the list could be “smart” if you had checkboxes at the top that list activities the user currently does. Then the list would include steps to tell the user how to do that in Linux instead of Windows.
or superfluous
is it the greed
or is it the record profits
which president
Minecraft with my kid
creative mode Java through Prism on Steam Deck, connecting to vanilla self-hosted server
“…on the other hand…”
Sounds like camelcamelcamel but for games.
What a great way to embezzle tax funds!
…unless they’re sidequest penises.