I don’t feel it’ll go anywhere either. Flip side is always whether people are having fun. People having fun rarely complain meaningfully. Meaaaning money still flows.
I don’t feel it’ll go anywhere either. Flip side is always whether people are having fun. People having fun rarely complain meaningfully. Meaaaning money still flows.
Obfuscation. Corporate figures telling or giving people the option will hurt their feelings so they’ll stop playing. A player who quits is no longer a tier two type with the potential to spend money, so they’ll only do this if it becomes a PR nightmare that affects their bottom line.
I honestly can’t decide what would be worse for profits. The mod update is hugely well known.
Given the atmosphere around just about everything corporate, I feel they should take a small loss here for the brand and release alongside the mod, or after it, or whatever. Good PR move that should make people want to buy the game in good faith.
The only issue is this is Oblivion. That’s a dedicated fanbase only beaten by the rabid battalions that want another Morrowind.
I’m fine with that. Let them remake it worse than the modding team under Rebel. So long as they don’t stop the mod from being released, that is, because that would be a dick move after openly giving it permission to continue.
RIP, my friend. I’m sorry we couldn’t pull it off in the end. Hopefully things won’t turn out as bad as we fear. It’s a small chance, though we may even exit this time of turmoil better than we were.
It isn’t that we aren’t targets, only that we aren’t currently making ourselves immediately targetable. That said, we do need to brush off our fairly minor defeatism and deal immediately with the slowly encroaching apathy. Yes, the cult idiots will get theirs as they will be a majority negatively impacted moving forward, however we do need to collectively step up constantly.
I truly believe we can make it the two years necessary to set in a rather sizable doorstop. We just need to work together on attainable goals.
They fall in line when they have a common, reachable enemy. As another user recently said, which I believe was wise. - paraphrased: The only reason they’re fighting is because we haven’t made ourselves a target.
The rules are simple:
If a large corporation wants you to do something, you probably don’t want to do that thing.
If a Republican is pointing fingers and shouting blame, they are the ones doing it.
Thinly veiled. Trump will claim the shut down is a recess.
Because this low-cost card also happens to be a powerhouse. Understated and overdelivered. Haven’t seen that for quite some time.
Shit is gonna read like an SCP article.
Traditional media hasn’t tried to preserve anything other than whatever spin on a story gets the most views and clicks. Independent media are the ones we all need to look out for and tune into now.
A good example from the tech world is GamersNexus.
Yeah… it’s hard. If it wasn’t for my student loans I’d only have about $4000 in leftover reoccurring bills outside of the usual living expenses such as rent and utilities today. Back then I donated more to a campaign than I have donated before or since combined for anything I worked hard. Talked to everyone. Helped found a subreddit for election and voting protection through information. I even went to local watch parties.
I think we are ready for that again. Many of us would stand and fight with Bernie, Jon Stewart, AOC. Most of us who were a part of that understand why people chose to not vote for the status quo. But man, fuck, it’s tiring feeling so disjointed and at best loosely aligned.
We need a community.
I’d step back onto the streets with Bernie at the head again. A small part of me still holds that hope from 2016.
Starting to get that Stain treatment, I see. I was wondering how long it would take urban activists and the like.
So I’m not into firearms. Guns aren’t reaaally my thing. However, I imagine with quality material you need a larger silencer for a larger caliber, or a modified design to rapidly reduce pressure. It stands to reason then that with a design less capable of withstanding that pressure, you must then compensate with a larger design even at lower calibers. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, though this then stands to reason that even a .22 would need a much larger design, or a modified design which would by nature increase noise via gas release.
That said, a silencer doesn’t silence, it reduces. If he was as prepared as we think he was, he’d know that.
I was suspicious the instant they called out the 3D printed “ghost gun”. While certainly possible, it was waaay too convenient an excuse given how that may have swung some opinions about gun safety and control. Now they’re rushing this.
Keep an eye out for thinly veiled attempts at obfuscation.
It will always be this way because people have opinions and perspectives. The two best ways to lessen infighting is by having a simple and common end goal. The second is a leader. Find both of these and I guarantee people will follow.
It’s always been that way and will always be that way. The point isn’t to stop the infighting entirely, it’s to work in such ways as to reduce the impact it has on the goals we should be striving to achieve. Namely a better world for everyone.
Reminder that while these tariffs are the big news item, focus extremely hard on what isn’t being today. Work within your communities and harass the fuck out of your politicians, Republican AND Democrat. Maintenance will be the word for at least two years.