Lol wtf! Are these like novelty cursors or something? Does arch not come with a default cursor? The only thing odder to me than this problem is that two people had it! The internet is great and technology always entertaining.
Lol wtf! Are these like novelty cursors or something? Does arch not come with a default cursor? The only thing odder to me than this problem is that two people had it! The internet is great and technology always entertaining.
Cool thanks
Good luck friend. I found this article relating to clearing segfaults. Maybe something they’re helps. Out of my wheelhouse for advice.
Do you have backups from before your last update? If so of start there. If not, try to uninstall and reinstall the AUR packages once at a time. You probably also have some kind of option to look for broke packages and repair them with your package manager. Another thing to try would be to open say vscodium from the cli and see if it outputs anything useful when the program fails.
Edit: this isn’t an exhaustive list and I don’t use arch, but it’s what I would do if I were on a rolling distro.
Edit 2: Here’s the commands for your package manager. Make a current state backup and then start looking for your problem. Section 7 to start with from the website.
How is this different from the rom I have backed up? Is it a standalone program and doesn’t require emulation? Is that why it’s an executable?
Drunk driving is bad and under punished in the US. Good thing we have our Judge Dredds out there making sure he’ll never do it again.
Cool thanks. I get the distinction now. I use Joplin for some of the features mentioned and do like it. Notion sounds pretty neat too.
Can you expand on your last point? Where do we move to from document based software? That seems like a bigger change than the change from typewriter to word processor.
Sky valley used to be a nice ski place in north Georgia USA. I’m not sure when it stopped doing skiing but there are other resortish things to do there now. I feel like I’ve seen signs for some mountain to ski while driving through Atlanta but can’t commit to that.
I use a projector for my main entertainment display in a windowed room and when I find myself somewhere with a good large 4k screen I’m very aware of how much deeper the blacks are and how it’s just a bit sharper on the tv. I don’t mind trading the image quality for having it mounted up and out of the way though.
This does that Tvheadend is tuner/dvr software. I use nextpvr on my windows box and I used to use mythtv on my Linux box. If you want alternatives
Things in this vein were exactly what i was looking for wwhen i made the post. thanks. Freed up almost a gig.
I’m glad no one got hurt. The other fights on the card were better. Main event was boring and predictable. Tyson was slow and off balance. Paul threw and landed 2x the punches Tyson did. Not a match that would convince a non fan that there is something more to the sport than punching.
i’m also using a chromebook with 16 gb emmc storage. my installs keep being about 10 gigs with xfce. i was thinking i would end up with just about your numbers but there is almost 5 gigs of other stuff i ended up with from the live disk installer.
I am using xfce atm. I might just have to fix my driver problems and do a netinstall
That’s a good idea. I can probably scrounge one up
i have broken the install a few times just deleting stuff. The live disk won’t find my wifi card so i can’t net install unless I buy an ethernet adapter.
I’ve never tried it but i don’t see why not. Let us know what ends up working for you. Your English reads well to me.
I read through your post a few times and it seems like you want the option to use your Persistent storage or just use the stick as a default install live boot medium.
If so, have you thought about using any of the live usbs with persistence and just make multiple users. One where persistence is used and encrypted and one that does not have access to the Persistent partition?
Lol now you know. That’s the most we tend to get out of some problems!