fortinet exploit
Got more info on this?
It’s difficult
If you tell most linux developers to gtfo, then whatever is developed by the ones who are left is not mainline linux.
Music pirated by “the scene”. You know because the file names are similar to other scene torrents, like “Zatox-Overdrive_(Original_Mix)-(ITAL044D)-SINGLE-WEB-2024-AOV”
So you want to force C programmers to write Rust or GTFO.
So what’s the solution that doesn’t involve C programmers writing Rust?
how do you know they are fmovies?
When did they refuse to share knowledge?
You won’t get copyright letters, but YouTube might block you, so make sure your IP address isn’t permanently attached to you.
The 2 and 3 year black friday deal (only this week!) for premiumize is cheap per month