When you state wild shit. Less wild shit seems less wild.
When you state wild shit. Less wild shit seems less wild.
You guys are gonna have so much fun
Don’t worry. WW3 will be the world against the US within the next decade.
I have been trying to get my own mastodon instance up and running behind traefik this weekend
I maneged to get it up and running yesterday, but I get some permission errors when trying to upload like a profile image etc.
I found a few issues that sort of mentioned permission errors, but they suggested running chown in the container, which is not possible, and running chown on the linked volume, which looks like an empty folder, and it didn’t solve the issue.
Hoping to fix it when I get back home later.
It’s nice to have something to fiddle with as the world is falling apart around you.
“modern”, when it comes to terminals, usually translates to Javascript / web / electron
Plex has that option.
Not sure if jellyfin has it
For sure. But the rest of the world is still in WHO