Yeah that doesn’t work. Making that argument again and again and not responding to the above critique is why Trump won.
“The future ain’t what it used to be.”
-Yogi Berra
Yeah that doesn’t work. Making that argument again and again and not responding to the above critique is why Trump won.
No, I simply understand how politics functions and when interests are or are not being represented. Clowns like the one I’m responding to have no ability to forward predict outcomes in time, so their analysis can be disregarded.
And more importantly, they, and those who argue similarly, are directly responsible for the outcomes we currently have. Specifically, the relationship between how Democrats are treated in online spaces and the media, and their inability or unwillingness to actually focus on and get shit done for people who would provide their votes to them.
It’s not even an argument anymore because I’ve been proven to be right by time. Y’all are simply slow to catch up. But the narrative of this section of history will show that fascism was enabled and emboldened, by slow walking coward Democrats, who found defenders in both media and in online spaces who were constantly willing to provide excuses for them. It’s the Blue No Matter Who/ Blue MAGA reactionaries who lost this election for us, and the above is a principal example.
There is no point to you other than providing cover and apologetics to the failed politics of the Democratic party.
Diffusing and providing excuses for the legitimate criticisms of their ability to govern to the needs of most Americans directly contributed to Trumps ascent into office for a second time.
Biden could have done this at any point in his presidency. He intentionally waited for it to be irrelevant.
You and those like you are the precise reason that Trump is coming back into office.
Which is better than nothing I guess.
Maybe he should have done this shit before November.
Oh no! Not the offended sensibilities of Bob Woodward!!!
Tell me you don’t get it without telling me you don’t get it.
Let me guess, he posted that to twitter?
See how that works?
Oregonian whose been craving a trip to Victoria, BC
In West Coast Federalist Union, Victoria BC trip you!
Trumps pretty vengeful. He might suffer consequences.
This is the lede being buried. Other than that its just the typical Ya’ll Qaeda domestic terrorism we’ve all come to know and expect.
I see your society still believes in the rule of law.
Well. At least he didn’t have to live to see fascism take over.
on no fucking planet is this the case. Also, him hanging on as long as he did, didn’t help things. It’s not like the Harris campaign did themselves any favors, but was clear not one person the the management caste of the DNC really gave a fuck about winning.
They have a conclusion that they’ve come to the conversation with and anything that challenges that gets down voted without consideration.
The assumptions you aren’t allowed to challenge, in order: AI is bad; Computer intelligence will never match or compete with human intelligence; computer intelligence isn’t really intelligence at all, it’s this other thing [insert ‘something’ here like statistical inference or whatever].
“AI is bad” is more of a dictum extending from cultural hedgemony than anything else. It’s an implicit recognition that in many ways, silicon valley culture is an effective looting of the commons, and therefore, one should reject all things that extend from that culture. It’s not a logical or rational argument against AI necessarily, but more of an emotional reaction to the culture which developed it. As a self preservation mechanism this makes some sense, but obviously, it’s not slowing down the AI takeover of all things (which is really just putting highlighter on a broader point that silicon valley tech companies were already in control of major aspects of our lives).
Computer intelligence never match human intelligence is usually some combination of goal post moving, or a redefining of intelligence on the fly (this I’ve specifically presented for the third critique, because it warrants addressing). This is an old trope that goes back almost to the beginning of computer intelligence (it’s not clear to me our definitions of machine intelligence are very relevant). It quite litterally started with multiplying large numbers. Then, for literally decades, things like chess and strategy, forwards facing notions in time were held up as some thing only “intelligent systems could do”. Then post deep blue, that got relegated to very clever programmers and we changed intelligence to be something about learning. Then systems like Alpha go etc came about, where they basically learned the rules to the game by playing, and we relegated those systems to ‘domain specific’ intelligences. So in this critique you are expected to accept and confirm the moving of goalposts around machine intelligence.
Finally, it’s the "what computers do isn’t intelligence, it’s some_other_thing.exe™. In the history of machine intelligence, that some other thing has been counting very quickly, having large-ish memory banks, statistical inference, memorization, etc. The biggest issues with this critique, and when you scratch and sniff it, you very quickly catch an aroma of Chomsky leather chair (and more so if we’re talking about LLMs), and maybe even a censer of a Catholic Church. The idea that humans are fundementally different and in some way special is frankly, fundemental, to most western idealogies in a way we don’t really discuss in the context of this conversation. But the concept of spirit, and that there is something “entirely unique” about humans versus “all of the rest of everything” is at the root of Abrahamic traditions and therefore also at the root of a significant portion of global culture. In many places in the world, it’s still heretical to imply that human beings are no more special or unique than the oak or the capibara or flatworm or dinoflagellate. This assumption, I think, is on great display with Chomsky’s academic work on the concept of the LAD, or language acquisition device.
Chomsky gets a huge amount of credit for shaking up linguistics, but what we don’t often talk about, is how effectively, his entire academic career got relinquished to the dust bin, or at least is now in that pile of papers where we’re not sure if we should “save or throw away”. Specifically, much of Chomsky’s work was predicted on the identification of something in humans which would be called a language acquisition device or LAD. And that this LAD would be found in as a region in human brains and would explain how humans gain language. And just very quickly notice the overall shape of this argument. It’s as old as the Egyptians in at least trying to find the “seat of the soul”, and follows through abrahamism as well. What LLMs did that basically shattered this nothing was show at least one case where no special device was necessary to acquire language; where in fact no human components at all were necessary other than a large corpus of training data; that maybe languages and the very idea of language or language acquisition are not special or unique to humans. LLMs don’t specifically address the issue of a LAD, but they go a step farther in not needing to. Chomsky spent the last of verbal days effectively defending this wrong notion he had (which has already been addressed in neuroscience and linguistics literature), which is an interesting and bitter irony for a linguist, specifically against LLMs.
To make the point more directly, we lack a good coherent testable definition of human intelligence, which makes any comparisons to machine intelligence somewhat arbitrary and contrived, often to support the interlocutors assumptions. Machine intelligence may get dismissed as statistical inference, sure, but then why can you remember things sometimes but not others? Why do you perform better when you are well rested and well fed versus tired and hungry, if not for there being an underlying distribution of neurons, some of which are ready to go, and some of which are a bit spent and maybe need a nap?
And so I would advocate caution about investing heavily into a conversation where these assumptions are being made. It’s probably not going to be a satisfying conversation because almost assuredly they assumptee hasn’t dove very deeply into these matters. And look at the downvote ratio. It’s rampant on Lemmy. Lemmy’s very much victim to it’s pack mentality and dog piling nature.
ok first listen this
then watch this stream
Drones are extremely cheap.