Interesting, the ROC doesn’t hold veto power? How can China join the club, if Taiwan is the rightful government representing all the Chinese people?
Interesting, the ROC doesn’t hold veto power? How can China join the club, if Taiwan is the rightful government representing all the Chinese people?
It’s fine. None of this matters.
America is defending Taiwan, ipso facto, you did.
Thank you Matt for your service. Now we know China has gravitic propulsion capabilities.
Lifting of martial law means opposition political parties can be formed legally for the first time, giving Taiwan’s fragmented but increasingly vocal opposition a new chance to organize. Communist parties remain banned. Dissidents welcomed the development, but noted that a new security law immediately replaced martial law and still restricts political activity.
That’s quite a democracy.
It banned formation of any new political parties, gave the military wide censorship powers and was used by military courts to convict thousands of civilians of sedition and other crimes.
Even the UN 🇺🇳 doesn’t recognize Taiwan 🇹🇼.
I appreciate what you do, and always learn from your comments.
From 1949 to 1987, the KMT ruled Taiwan as an authoritarian one-party state after the February 28 incident.
Is America not imperialist? Why is it not okay when they do it, but okay when we do?
Maybe imperialism is bad when anyone does it.
not even comparable. Martial law for 40 years doesn’t sound like turning it around.
The Kuomintang fought a civil war and lost, would we be okay if the Confederacy kept Florida and wouldn’t give it back?
Are you talking about the White Terror?
War is necessary… so I can text grandma? Do ya’ll not hear yourselves?
“Us” being? Taiwan didn’t send me a Christmas card.
Relating to Xinjiang, over the past generation Washington and the CIA has provided consistent support to Uyghur separatist organisations, and terrorist groups such as the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP). Since 2003 the TIP has been led by the now 48-year-old extremist Uyghur militant, Abdul Haq al-Turkistani, who was born in southern Xinjiang. The TIP, originally going by the name the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, received direct CIA funding and sponsorship (15). From 1990 until 2016 scores of terrorist attacks were perpetrated in Xinjiang. Many of these rampages were subsequently traced back to the TIP, which has close connections to Al Qaeda. The TIP leader Abdul Haq has, for example, served on Al Qaeda’s executive leadership council, and he is a firm believer in waging jihad (holy war) against China to attain the TIP’s separatist goals. source
Non-action on the part of a government can also be characterized as a form of political violence, such as refusing to alleviate famine or otherwise denying resources to politically identifiable groups within their territory.
It was a concession. Your response reveals a paper tiger. 🐯