I think in Texas it would be criminally negligent homicide, but I doubt the conservative justice system there will punish anyone for intentionally not preventing a deadly disease.
I think in Texas it would be criminally negligent homicide, but I doubt the conservative justice system there will punish anyone for intentionally not preventing a deadly disease.
What would be the purpose of US support in Europe if not defending against Russia?
The US presence in Europe exists to facilitate US power projection, if we are not stopping Russian advancement then there is no reason for host countries to allow US bases in their territory.
Americans will be paying more for everything. Domestic suppliers have free reign to raise prices to match.
The population of the US has no appetite for invading Canada, many of us have close friends and family there, we consider Canada a friend and ally and Trumps hissy fit doesn’t change that.
If the US invades Canada there will be a lot of Americans aiding resistance.
He also ended a very effective needle exchange program.
No honor among thieves.
My interest depends on their dlc policy. I play 4x games with friends and some of my friends can’t always buy the latest cool dlc. I want to be able to play with stuff I paid for even when I play with them.
If your business model requires you to pay your workers less than a livable wage, you do not have a viable business model.
Restaurants are getting killed by greedflation not higher wages. When everything is expensive people start cutting back on discretionary expenses like eating out.
Unions nearly always vote to authorize during contract negotiations, to do otherwise removes all their bargaining power.
I think covid has peaked and Flu-A is declining but Flu-B is about to come up. Pretty typical winter wave for ILI’s.
And to do that they are going to increase premiums and double your max out of pocket limit every year. Perfect!
Edit: ok having read the article it looks like he is going to push for regulating pharmaceutical companies while simultaneously pushing for states with stricter insurance regulations to be forced (via federal courts or legislation) to lower their standards.
When I was there they implemented “high efficiency seating”. Fuck that environment, I hope they lose a ton of talent.
I remember learning about avoiding the appearance of impropriety in school. Maybe Justice Alito was absent that day.
One of the best things I was taught growing up was a deep love and appreciation for the natural world and that the best way to appreciate wildlife was from afar for both the safety of me and the animal.
The “90% of medical claims” is such a weaselly metric. Yeah, if you have a small-cost claim like your annual physical or basic x-rays they pay, but if you need anything that costs money, that would push you over your deductible, they deny. Saying 90% just isn’t meaningful if most claims are small-dollar.
Well, no. The OG framers only thought the owner class should have any power, thats why only white wealthy male landowners could vote.
The constitution only protects billionaires i guess.
I am no expert but that looks kind of intentional. I am curious what the investigation finds out.
Yes, “streaming fatigue” is the problem. It’s not that services are charging more for worse content. The enshittification isn’t the issue people are just randomly tired of streaming for unexplainable reasons. Very insightful.
Considering TASS was among the few outlets allowed to attend, I think this was a performance for an audience of one.